Feeling Tired ? 6 Fatigue Busters!
Are you feeling tired and lethargic? Do you find your energy levels slumping around lunch time? Or do you wake up feeling tired? We all have days when we are feel tired. If we had a bad night’s sleep or a particularly stressful period we feel physically and mentally drained. But when you have been feeling tired over an extended period of time then the root cause of this tiredness must be dealt with before your energy levels normalise . The reasons for chronic fatigue are numerous and curing fatigue is not as simple as just getting more sleep. A full physical will help you get an accurate medical picture of your state of health.
If you suffer from fatigue or you are feeling more tired and sluggish then usual here are some 6 fatigue busters which will help you regain your energy, strength and vest for life.
Balanced diet
Diet has always played a big role in banishing tiredness. Many people eat a diet which is devoid of the proper nutrients. A diet rich in vitamins and minerals will give your body the fuel it needs in order to function properly as well as give you the energy which your need. Think of your body as a machine and the food you eat as the fuel. If you do not put the proper fuel into the machine it cannot run properly. Also drink at least 2 litres of water a day to flush out toxins -which can also be a cause of tiredness.
If you are feeling tired, exercise will help you increase your energy level. Your body needs movement, so that it can circulate blood and dispose of waste. Apart from keeping your heart healthy and muscles toned exercise also releases endorphins which make you feel good.
Get lots of rest
Going to sleep at the same time everyday will also prevent you from feeling tired. When you go to bed at the same time, your body gets into a sleeping pattern and you will fall asleep easier as well as have a deeper sleep. Eight hours of sleep is recommended per day.
Taking on too much responsibility can lead you to feeling tired. You must learn how to delegate as well as how to ask for help. By delegating some of your responsibilities you can prevent yourself from experiencing burn out, which happens when you are over worked and stressed.
Get organised
It is important to get organised in your daily activities whether that be at home or at work. Organisation keeps things running smoothly and will prevent you from spending time and energy searching for things. Clear the clutter and feel how much of the tension and tiredness goes away.
Meditation should be a part of your daily routine. Meditation helps you to relax, this state of relaxation will help you to sleep deeper and with more ease when you go to bed. A 10 minute deep session of meditation has the same effect as a full night’s sleep.
These are my 6 fatigue busters, which I guarantee you will banish those days of feeling tired! If you start now, you will notice results within a few short days!
For more information about feeling tired visit the website http://www.stopconstantfatigue.org