How I pick horse racing winners. The key to success in horse race betting

I’ve been living a comfortable life thus far ever since I’ve refined how I pick horse racing winners. It’s true that picking winners in a horse race is a difficult task, there are just too many variables that come into play. But if you’ve watched horse races as long as I have, the art of picking the winning bet can become second nature to you. After years of mingling failures and success, I can spot the winning horse in a matter of seconds.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that how I pick horse racing winners is based on gut feel. It’s still a science, and years of watching horse races has conditioned my brain on how to detect the tell tale signs of a winning horse.

If you want to make successful bets on horse racing, you best pay heed to how I pick horse racing winners. Here they are:

Look at the horse’s form
There are visible signs if a horse is capable of winning. First thing to check is the muscle tone. You can see easily if a horse is ready to burn the race track by looking at its body language. Do the muscles seem like they’re ready to spring?

The eyes also tell a lot. There should be an eager look in the eyes. A horse that is ready to boogie also has ears that are pointing forward. If the horse’s eyes move too much or if its movements are jerky, it’s best not pick that horse for it cannot stay focused long enough to win the race.

It’s also important to see the body language as a whole, and not be specific on each sign that was mentioned. A horse with jerky movements but has most of the positive signs might be the best one to pick for the race.

It’s also a good idea to look at the form of each rival horse in order to have a good estimate of your pick’s chances.

Look at the horse’s race history
A horse’s race history can tell you if it’s a winner or a loser. Of course, a winning record doesn’t always translate to wins, since there are many variables into the equation, such as the type of course, the jockey or the ground conditions.

For example, it might not be a good idea to pick on a horse with low experience on long courses, even if it had garnered multiple championships on short courses. The jockey also needs careful consideration in how I pick horse racing winners. A horse with a good winning record is likely to lose more often if the jockey is inexperienced. You also need to determine if the particular jockey has already entered a lot of races using the same horse, and if the tandem’s winning percentage is high.

All of these might be too wieldy at first, but it only takes a penchant eye for detail and a bit of experience. If you want to be successful in horse race betting, you’d best pay attention to how I pick horse racing winners using the Betting tips Online system.

By follow the Betting Tips System I turned 2 years of just about breaking even on horse betting into a full time job, where now I work 2-3 hours a day and this is my full time job. I wish you the best of luck in picking winners but its not all luck there are ways you can improve your odds like I have.

For more information on this system and your way to finacial freedom click here Best Horse Racing System, or here for information on how to pick horse winners.

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