Windhoek is a nice place
Windhoek is a nice place. The people in the office there were nice people and they ensured that I was welcome. They invited me to their homes; they took me around Windhoek and I will never forget the evening I went to the little zoo behind the Admin Building, up on top of the hill.
To call it a zoo is probably a bit of an overstatement. More like a field set aside in which some giraffe and zebra could live and frolic Lacoste Shoes Online. After greeting these friendly creatures, I turned to go past the building on my way back to my lodging.
I have never seen so many bats in my life before. It seemed as if millions of them were pouring out from under the roof at every corner of the building. When I got closer, I even heard some of them in the down water pipes from the gutters. They fluttered out into the evening sky, painted a bright red by the setting sun and the clouds of them dispersed into every point of the compass.
And I wondered what the inside of that building must smell like. Lacoste Clothing Anyone hazard a guess that it was of bat droppings?
Back at my room I had the pleasure of another letter from Shinky to read and after dinner, the happy task of writing to her, sending her my love and kisses in response to hers.