Bay Area Laser Hair Removal – How to Remove Facial Hair Permanently

Methods for the removal of facial hair in women have long since only offered temporary reprieve. Traditional facial hair removal products and treatments include waxing, shaving and depilatory creams. Women find shaving depressing as it must be done daily and the re-growth is stubby and makes many of them self-conscious to attempts by any other person touching their faces. Some also suffer from the ‘5 o’clock shadow’ look which causes them much embarrassment.
Bay Area Laser Hair Removal – Female Hirsutism – Causes
Facial hair may be the result of an underlying hormonal imbalance. PCOS Hirsutism results from a hormonal imbalance associated with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS). Before visiting any Bay Area medical spas and applying any Bay Area Laser hair removal treatments, all likely hormonal imbalances must be ruled out. If the hormonal imbalance remains unattended, the hair will likely grow back.
In addition, it is important to consider what kind of laser is being used. There are also different wavelengths of laser that are safe and effective for different skin types. MD Laser Spa uses the award-winning Apogee Elite laser by Cynosure. It is FDA approved for all skin types as it is a multifunction laser. MD Laser Spa has safely treated thousands of patients through the years with its experienced staff of medical professionals. Dr, Robert F. Gray is a dual board certified facial plastic surgeon who supervises every single laser treatment.
Permanence of Laser Hair Removal
In the Bay Area, Laser Hair removal treatments are administered at medical spas like MD Laser Spa. Laser hair removal provides a permanent solution to facial hair growth. The laser disables a large number of hair roots or follicles in the skin. Although the clearance will not be 100%, the results will provide relief to the patient by preventing more growth in most of the facial skin. Any remaining growth or re-growth will be visibly thinner, weaker and paler.
Bay Area Laser Hair Removal – Electrolysis
Electrolysis is an alternative treatment for the removal of female facial hair applied by dermatologists and beauticians. This treatment is only suitable for the treatment of a few hairs. Laser hair removal on the other hand can be used to treat significantly larger surfaces of the face.
It is very uncommon to need painful electrolysis after successful laser hair removal treatment
Electrolysis is often used to remove smaller facial hairs that may remain after successful Laser hair removal. Thus the two treatments are combined to give the smooth final finish that women with facial hair are looking for.
Bay Area Laser Hair Removal – What Are The Side Effects
Serious side effects from laser hair removal treatments are rare. Women commonly experience redness which fades away after a few days. For those who are self conscious about this, treatment may be scheduled for Friday so that the redness may subside over the weekend. A day or two off from work may be required for some. You can safely use makeup after treatment.
Bay Area Laser Hair Removal – Let’s talk About Prices
Women with facial hair consider the cost of Laser hair removal as an investment that will help them to get rid of a problem permanently. The cost of using home facial hair removal methods such as waxing or creams eventually adds up to the same cost of having a laser hair removal treatment.
In the Bay Area, laser hair removal usually costs between $250 and $600 for each treatment session. Most women require up to 6 treatments. This of course depends on how much growth you have. Women who have growth only in the upper lip area may spend between $25 and $100 for each treatment session.

If you live in the Bay Area, laser hair removal at a reputable medical spa can help you improve your image. Thanks to unwanted facial hair, Bay Area laser hair removal treatments at med spas like MD Laser Spa offers you a permanent solution to your saying good riddance to facial hair.

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