Treatment For Inflamed Sciatic Nerve – Is There A Homeopathic One?
Wondering if there is a homeopathic treatment for inflamed sciatic nerve that can help you to relieve the pain in the leg that you are suffering from? Fortunately there are few ways to reduce the inflammation in the area which are very effective, natural and also homeopathic. Here I will share with you few of the remedies that proved themselves as effective in reducing the inflammation of sciatic nerve quickly!
Bromelain supplement – extracted from pineapples, sold for less then 20 dollars and works like magic. And when I day like magic I actually mean it because that. Bromelain it’s an anti inflammatory that is highly effective for treating inflamed sciatic nerve. The pain relief can come as fast as only few minutes. For the people who prefer the natural source – eating few peaces of pineapple will be enough as pain relief for you.
Inflamed sciatic nerve can be treated by warming the area. You can do it with a warm compress; I don’t think I need to explain you how to prepare that one. Apply the compress on the area for 15 – 20 minutes few times a day. The best alternative for a hot compress is the infrared heating pad. I saw it online for around 200 dollars but it comes in different sizes so maybe you’ll find something cheaper. It heats the area with infrared light, which also treats the inflammation of the nerve.
The last homeopathic treatment for sciatic nerve is to add the right minerals to your diet. Minerals like magnesium and potassium are very important for treatment of sciatic nerve pain because they are responsible for the contractions of the muscles in the body. By adding more of these minerals to your diet will help your body to relief the spasm in the tensed sciatic nerve and the results will be – the end of sciatic pain. For magnesium you have to eat nuts – peanuts and all the other sorts. For potassium – bananas, apricots and kiwis!
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with a homeopathic method that helped me!