Types of Singapore Work Permit Schemes
Work permits in Singapore is based on different industries such as construction, non-construction and domestic sectors. Generally for the construction and non construction work permit application, the application procedure and requirements for both of these categories are the same though however, there are also some differences in between two of these applications. The application procedure and requirements for the work permit application for the construction sector are essentially the same to those with non-construction sector, with few differences. Before going any further in the explanation, it is necessary to explain the different work permits available to foreigners wanting to work within Singapore. Basically, there are actually three different types of work passes where these three different work passes include employment pass, S pass and as well as the work permit.
For the work permit, any foreign nationals who wish to work in Singapore with a monthly basic salary of not more than SGD$1800 will need a work permit. Still, there are exceptions to a work permit which includes the following: Singapore Permanent Residents (SPR), Dependant’s Pass (DP) holders under the Employment Pass scheme (required to apply for a Letter of Consent (LOC) from the Work Pass Division, Ministry of Manpower, for employment in Singapore), full-time matriculated or registered students who are on vacation as stated in the Work Permit and full-time matriculated or registered students from approved institutes of higher learning whose working hours do not exceed 16 hours a week as stated in Work Permit. The duration or validity of a work permit is usually two years, depending on the validity of the worker’s Passport (one month before its expiry), the Banker’s/Insurance Guarantee (two months before its expiry) and the worker’s employment period, whichever is shorter. A prospective employer will need to apply to the Controller of Work Permits for a work permit before he can hire foreign workers. However, during the period of application, foreign nationals of Non-Traditional Source (India, Bangladesh, Thailand, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and the Philippines), North Asian Source (Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau and South Korea) and as well as Republic of China are not allowed to be within Singapore. As for the submission method of the application forms for a work permit, it can be done electronically or via the SingPost post office though however, it is highly advisable that the application is done electronically as the outcome and as well as the processing time of the application is much more faster (combined two working days) compared to submitting it via SingPost post office which usually takes around seven working days. Prior to the issuance of a work permit, a foreign applicant needs to undergo medical examinations with a Singapore registered general practitioner and he must be certified to be fit for employment. If the work permit application is approved, the holder/employer may collect the Work Permit Card four days after the registration. This Work Permit identification card was first introduced in 1999 and serves three purposes: Work Permit, Immigration Disembarkation/Embarkation card and Visit Pass.
For the application of a work permit, there are other regulations, procedures and information which differs depending on the work sector and as well as the nationalities. It is highly advised that before a foreign national applies for a work permit, he/she should visit the Ministry of Manpower in order to be informed of some of these differences between applications.
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