All Information About Self-Inflating Sand Bags
In Japan the recent Tsunami was devastating which led to heavy mass destruction to man and materials equally. If we take some precautions during these disaster that can save us to some extent in spite of the fact that we cannot avoid ones. The importance of being prepared to face this flood situation is needed.
To stop water from flooding submerging sand bags in water is suggested to people living in flood prone areas. Traditional sand bags create lot of inconvenience and are time consuming. In filling and transporting the sand bags in flooded region are quite time consuming and not useful after the water has already caused mass damage. Exposure of all the valuables and also life threatening condition arise when severe flood comes. More over most of the insurance companies also do not offer coverage for people living in the specified flood prone areas.
So what is the solution that one has on hand to protect oneself and the belongings as well? There is one simple and quite affordable solution actually. A Taiwan manufacturer has recently developed self-inflating sand bags. A situation of flood crisis might require using this sand-bags which incidentally are very comfortable to hold. When flooding hits, this solution is quite lightweight and is particularly easy to keep and carry.
This wonder sand bag is made of natural jute and resin material that quickly absorbs water within 3-5 minutes to get inflated to normal size and offer respite from flooding. If you don’t want cumbersome traditional sand bags, then this is surely for you. These bags are also completely made of bio degradable material that is environmentally friendly as well. They are much better than any other flood preparation techniques as they have a shelf life of 5-10 years and thus can be bought and stored much in advance.
The uses of these sand bags are unlimited and some of them are domestic flooding protection, commercial flooding protection, shopping are frontal protection, underground parking protection, subway entrance protection, river banks, railroads, golf courses, fire protection, storm protection construction sites etc., just to mention a few places of its use. Automatically inflatable these sand bags are easy to use and create no mess. Making it a better option to store and manage is the weight of these bags which is just 1.1 lbs.
So don’t take any chance to risk your life and that of all your valuables when there is an affordable, easy and most convenient solution available on hand. Just go ahead and buy these EZ sand bags to make use of in so many multiple ways you can think of.
Author is an expert writer on sand bags and taiwan manufacturer.