Give a fresh environment for golf course
Today, do you still see some people walking on the golf course with their club? I believe most will say no. The game of golf has changed drastically over the last 50 years. It has transitioned from a competitive sport to a multibillion dollar leisure industry. Nowadays, many golfers typically show up to the golf course, load their golf bags into a golf cart and take off. However, there is a problem that is pollution.
Since eco travelling was one of the major trends that have characterizes in 2008, carrying things in an eco-friendly way has begun to be quite popular. It makes a statement that doing so not only reduce your carbon footprint, but limit the pollution. For instance, if you are keen on playing golf, try and stop using a cart and try carrying your own clubs and bags. If so, you can reduce your carbon footprint and play an important role by limiting the constant pollution of our environment. Fuel powered devices are among the biggest enemies when it comes to polluting the environment. Devices such as golf carts should only be used if completely necessary. Of course, this “golf cart” just means gas powered golf cart that can produce pollution to the environment. Don’t misunderstand they are electric golf carts.
I need to make it clear that electric golf carts are completely powered by electrical energy which does not emit any pollution that you may find coming from a gas powered golf cart. They are silent and environmentally green and can be found in airports, industrial plants, residential neighborhoods and tourist parks ferrying one or more people. An electric golf cart in handy will let you life much easier, whether you use it to roll along a golf course, or travel through a construction site.
Regular carts are likely to be too “expensive” when it comes to the fuel they need in order to carry your clubs around. By using your own resources, you avoid using fuel based devices. Gold carts use conventional fuels and this means that regular combustion will release chemicals and other powerful pollutants straight into the air you breathe. By polluting the environment on a constant basis, you will put your overall health in jeopardy. Carry your clubs and make a green statement.
You can be eco-friendly just by carrying your golf clubs by yourself and without using a fuel powered device. The environment is changed each time you are using a caddy. Such devices are not designed in order to be eco-friendly. On the contrary, they use too much fuel and release too much pollution in the air. Switching to carrying your golf clubs all by yourself is a reliable manner of saying NO to pollution. Carrying your clubs not only helps the environment and saves you money, but also it is a great way to get exercise. Laziness greatly attributes to carbon emissions. Of course, you can use an electric golf cart instead of the environmental unfriendly one. Protect the environment through the efforts of all. Let us start to do so.