Stress Fracture Foot Symptoms

A stress fracture is a common occurrence amongst adults.  There are many different stress fracture symptoms, with the condition most commonly affecting one or both feet.  However many of the symptoms are similar to other foot issues, and with a wide range of possible conditions with the same common identifying features means that a visit to a doctor is the best way to get a diagnosis, but even an X-Ray may not show up a small fracture. Below are listed the common stress fracture symptoms:

Intense and enduring pain
Stress fractures can be painful, but in the beginning the pain is not generally present all the time. But when pain is felt, it can be intense.  As time goes on, the longer you do not deal with the stress fracture, the more frequent, intense, and enduring the pain in the foot will be.  If you leave it untreated long enough, it could eventually lead of a full on break.

Pain when walking or running
Many people who find that they have a stress fracture of the foot first notice something amiss as a result of intense pain when walking or running.  This pain often starts out as intermittent, but will become chronic the longer the exercise goes on.  The pain will generally be located in a specific area and will intensity with time.

Swelling and redness around the site of the pain
Stress fractures often include swelling and redness around the site of the fracture.  This can be noticed when you actually look at the foot with the naked eye.  Many start to notice the intermittent pain, and may even notice that their shoes seem to fit tighter.  If you are suffering from swelling or redness around the site of the pain, there is a good chance you are dealing with a stress fracture of the foot.

This is often a symptom that is noticed when the stress fracture has gone untreated for awhile.  Bruising will actually appear on the foot near the site of the pain, with some inflammation and swelling.  This is a pretty good tell-tale sign that you are dealing with a foot stress fracture.

The list above is by no means all inclusive, but are the common stress fracture symptoms.  These symptoms can also be symptoms of a different foot conditions as well, and sometimes the problem will have no underlying symptoms. The only way to be sure, is to visit a doctor who will be able to examine the foot and give an accurate diagnosis.

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