How to establish your business gene

Say Business Difficulties: lack of start-up capital, rapid development is difficult; no brand, open up the market is difficult; to attract highly qualified personnel can not, do the hard … …

As "Business School" magazine put it, even the most entrepreneurial in the world, the United States, all new enterprises are also less than one year survival of 40%, 2 / 3 in the die before its fifth birthday , only 25% of new businesses survive for 8 years. More alarming is that most entrepreneurs have little profit, in general, even if the existence of a 10-year business entrepreneurs, you will only get employment in their previous career in the real value of the revenue gained 65%.

Success is not easy to start-up enterprises that affect only the various elements?? Person, strategic, market, competitive environment and so are certain conditions for business success possible. The failure is simple, many factors, there is a failure of not doing it is possible, as large as a small business strategic direction to an incomplete business plan.

Babson College Center for Asian Studies Director, Professor Wu Jianmin, the real opportunity is from the essential elements of some, and after a large number of investigations found that successful entrepreneurs must be given with the following qualities.

able to clearly describe the company's future vision and to achieve the vision and resources necessary to do

encourage team members to face challenges

continue to find methods for continuous improvement of products and services

create a people full of passion and willingness to improve the environment

encourage members of their own innovative ideas to try

When other people are still undecided, the bold move

rapid decision making, implementation in place

learning new skills is always with great enthusiasm

When the original implementation of the plan can not be satisfactory, they can quickly adjust

willing to listen, absorb and accept other people's good ideas

have the ability to grant people the power and responsibility

constant attention to the achievements and reward

Chile Colombia as Blue Ocean International Marketing Consultants bodies CEO, I found that many experienced career working hard at this stage of professional managers, with the passage of time could not conceal the inner anxiety, to some extent have been working hard to give them more incentive, on the contrary, to try new approaches, their own ideas for her own decisions and control their own destiny as never before, so expect a clear, coupled with the temptation to always start ripples in their hearts, So to realize their dreams for wealth, it leads them to engage in the business of the flood, and thus construct their own world, I think, as long as the persistent efforts, wealth is certainly to their smile.

Remember that the U.S. Rand Information Beijing in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Chengdu, Xi'an six cities of the "special survey of young independent entrepreneurs," have shown that young entrepreneurs to achieve the desired goal of only 11.5%, while the main reason for business failure is not often that the funds, the policy environment and other factors, but the target is too idealistic entrepreneur, underestimated the difficulties. Tsinghua University, Innovation Center, a survey showed business education in China is lower than the average GEM

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