Chest pain is one the most common wheat allergy symptoms
Every individual in this world suffer from some or the other type of allergies. Generally, such kind of allergies are caused due to dust mites, pollens, pet, food allergy including wheat, milk, seafood, egg, bread, yeast, pollution, flowers, scent, and more. So, if a person gets affected to the allergy, he should be aware exactly to which type of allergies one is affected. Many people think that allergies are one kind of disease that causes to a person, but according to the researcher it ahs proved wrong and it is just one of the types of problem. Allergy is caused mainly due to some kind of disorder in the immune system which later appears a reaction. From all this types of allergy the most common one is the wheat allergy. There are numerous wheat allergy symptoms that are noticeable.
You must be thinking how can a wheat be allergic to a person, it is an important element used in an individual’s daily life. Generally, we add wheat items in our daily meal which we think is a vital component for health. This allergy does not affect everyone who consumes wheat but only to few people whose immune system cannot accept the gluten products. People with the blood group of AB positive, for those the gluten is not suitable and can affect the body. Some of you may face mild symptoms while others may also suffer with severe problem. The food allergy is one of the major allergies among the others in which the wheat allergy is one of the types. Mostly the wheat allergy symptoms are as similar to the food allergy. This problem is triggered to a person when the hyperactive reaction affects the immune system through the food allergies especially from wheat. The list below is the symptoms of wheat allergy that are explained in brief as follows:-
1.) Abdominal bloating: – Generally, in this problem a victim will experience pain in abdomen that cause to increase of the abdominal area in diameter and also swelling.
2.) Chest pain: – A patient will suffer from acute chest paining and discomfort.
3.) Diarrhea: – It is the most common type in wheat allergy symptoms that causes discharge of watery stools.
4.) Fainting or dizziness: – In this case, a victim can suffer from headache and also lose consciousness. There would also be muscle ache and joints pain.
5.) Palpitations: – A person can get the sensation of excessive rapid heartbeats.
6.) Skin rashes: – In the list of wheat allergy symptoms, the skin reaction is one of the most common types that cause rashes on skin.
7.) Coughing: – Coughing is a common symptom, but a person starts coughing without any reason and in rhyme.
8.) Eye irritation: – A victim will complain of the watery eyes and also irritation.
9.) Runny nose: – When a person gets affected to the wheat allergy, he may suffer from runny nose where it discharges watery of mucus from the nose.
In this article, the author has talked about the main type of allergies that is the food allergies. This allergy is caused due to by consuming the food products that triggers to hyperactivity reaction, the wheat allergy symptoms of this type leads from mild to severe that are curable and treated.