complete happiness

Not slide cell phone
samsung slide phones learn how to love lost, my heart had more pain, you know? Phase read all your heart, I do not know how to deal with and hear the songs on the phone, I would unconsciously want to cry. Often asked, I gave up too early, or between us is not really possible. Why do I not get a complete happiness, I remember this time I have been looking for a reason you no longer want to be what ah? I can not find, can not find ah! Seventeen years old, this is a rainy season, or a flowering season.
Has been faster than half a year, in the past six months, the heart in addition to pain, is injured, scar still no good. You did not give me anything, I can not do for you, just know, so stay by your side. I know, love, most can not touch me, I suffered injuries on the family, suffered injuries on the friendship, failed in their studies, with the exception only of love, and before that, I do not dare to think so. But now, you came in, I actually no way to stop, so in the end, I hurt, the pain!
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