My deepfelt gratitude for all of you in Blogland…
You are the most special bunch of people I have ever encountered on my journey of grief. Most of you have welcomed me with open arms and supported me the past nine months since I started blogging about my life and my grief. And all the other things I write in between. It is so wonderful for me when I receive uplifting and supportive comments when I open my heart here.
I feel so safe and apart from the odd troll or two Store all I have encountered in Blogland is love and understanding and support . It warms my heart to know so many people really care. Most of you don’t even know me but you are always here for me when I feel the need to talk about my struggle. I have never in all the years I mourned my son met so many people who care so deeply for others.
My thanks to all of you and I wish there was something I could do to show you how much it means to me. This community is filled with angels of light and peace. We all stand together and help each other through difficult times and feel joy when someone overcomes hardship. When I started blogging here it was just to have a place to share what I have lived through and I never in a million years expected the fantastic feeling of fellowship and love.
You have held me when the storms of my pain threatened to bowl me over and drag me into deep waters. All your comments held me up and you gave only unconditional love even though you had no idea what I was going through. You had a nice and loving word for me and even advice on how to handle my grief. I healed more here in the past nine months than the almost 4 years before that.