How to Prevent Acne
If you’re like me, then you hate seeing acne on your face when you wake up in the morning. Having to deal with acne and trying to get it to go away or hiding it is just hard! Well I have a secret for you..If you just PREVENT it then you won’t have to deal with it! I learned this a long time ago and haven’t worried about pimples since! To help you guys on your quest to prevent acne, I have included some of the tips and tricks I used below.
Keep Your Hands Clean – Think about all of the time you touch your face every day. No imagine all of the dirt which is transferred between your fingers and face. In order to reduce this transfer, we need to make sure our hands are clean at all times. This can be done by just washing your hands on a regular basis. Further, you can try carrying some antibacterial gel with you to clean your hands.
Take your Vitamins – Since acne can be caused by an imbalance of nutrients in your body, it is always important to take your vitamins! A simple multivitamin can do wonders for your skin so try it out!
Keep Your Face Washed – This one is self explanatory but you should try and keep the areas which get most of the acne clean. This will make sure that no new acne forms in the places which have or are being cured currently.
Drink Your Water – Making sure that you intake a good amount of water will help flush out the toxins in your system which may cause acne to form. About a gallon a day will work.
Eat Healthy – Just like the water, it is proper to intake healthy foods. Not foods which may cause your skin to get oily and break out. Make sure you maintain a proper diet along with the above mentioned tips to reduce the chances of acne.
There you go. A few simple tips to helping you prevent acne from forming on your face. Hopefully some of these tips and tricks will help you along your way to acne freedom!
Tom is the author of Get Rid of Acne Overnight and Tricks to Get Rid of Acne.