Rheumatic Fever and Heart Problems
Prior to antibiotic medicines became widely utilized, rheumatic fever was the largest trigger of valve illness. Rheumatic fever is really a condition that’s a complication of untreated strep throat. Strep throat is caused by a group A streptococcal infection found in the throat.
Rheumatic fever can harm body tissues by causing them to swell, but its greatest danger lies in the harm it can do to your heart. Far more than half of the time, rheumatic fever leads to scarring of the heart’s valves. This scarring can narrow the valve and make it harder for the valve to open properly or to close totally. In turn, your heart has to work harder to pump blood to the rest of your body. This valve damage can result in a condition called rheumatic heart illness, which, in time, can lead to congestive heart failure.
Rheumatic fever just isn’t an infection itself, rather the result of an untreated strep infection. When the body senses the strep infection, it sends antibodies to fight it. From time to time, these antibodies attack the tissues of joints or the heart instead. If the antibodies attack the heart they can trigger the heart valves to swell, which can lead to scarring of the valve “doors.” (The doors are referred to as leaflets.) The scarred leaflets make it harder for the valve to either open or close effectively, or both.
The symptoms of rheumatic fever usually begin 1 to 6 weeks soon after a strep infection. The symptoms are fever, joint pain or swelling within your wrists, elbows, knees, or ankles. Small bumps under the skin over elbows or knees (known as nodules). Perhaps a smaller raised red rash on the chest, back, or stomach, encounter stomach discomfort or feeling much less hungry. Weakness, shortness of breath, or feeling very tired
Please remember that Rheumatic Fever needs immediate medical attention!
Ronaldo Santagize is an experienced fan of the automotive industry. He loves to be outdoors any opportunity he gets. Check out his site liftkits.com to see all of his 1994 Toyota 4×4 Lift Kits