EX0-103 Practice Questions
The latest updated EX0-103 practice questions, which is just for all the candidates who want to pass their exam easily and quickly. It is well known that Killtest is one of the popular website all over the world and the EX0-103 practice questions is the latest and hottest exam in Killtest. Killtest offer you all the Q&As of the EX0-103 test. It is the examination of the perfect combination and it will help you pass EX0-103 exam at the first time !
Some demos are as follows for you:
1. Which of the following is Problem Management primarily concerned with?
A. looking at Security Plans
B. looking at the cause of Incidents
C. looking at the Change Plan
D. looking at the Release Strategy
Answer: B
2. What is the objective of a Management System?
A. to define, agree, record and manage levels of services
B. to ensure that Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) are defined for all IT services
C. to ensure that new services and changes to services will be deliverable and manageable at the agreed
cost and services quality
D. to provide the policies and the framework that is needed for the effective management and
implementation of all IT services
Answer: D
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