Li Yi

HC TV Network : 2009 Fifth China Audio and Video Technology and Application Trends Industry Forum (AVF) & China Digital TV Industry Chain report (DICC) on December 4, 2009 held in Beijing Wanshou grand hotel. HC wide network broadcast of this meeting as a unit of live coverage of the grand occasion of this forum.

NBC Film Planning Institute of Radio Television Li Yi, director of Star

State Planning Institute of Radio Film and Television Li Yi, director of wireless satellite a report entitled " Digital Terrestrial Television Progress in implementation and planning, "the theme of evolution.

Star Lee Yi : Next, I would like to briefly introduce the implementation of the progress and planning. The main one is the status of implementation of the second standard system construction, the third is currently in development planning some simple ideas, just white-Secretary-General said, we are 50 years from 1999 to the time of Daqing HD Relay means to provide a broadcast service in Daqing, in 2000 this course is very strong, and in 2000 started collecting terrestrial transmission systems, entered the assessment until the fusion, a process that we should be very clear until August 2006 National Standards Board issued 20,600 this standard. 2007 to 2008 nearly a year's time, SARFT Organized a lot of work, in early 2007 set up six working groups, of which ensure that standards of technical experiments and so on. In 2007 to 2008 in Beijing organized and completed experiments to determine the mode and the first batch of seven matching criteria.

How in 2007 after the introduction of mandatory standards if the promotion of this issue is very serious. Signal is difficult to determine what model, experimental work in the organization on the basis of Beijing made a lot of Test Recommended on the basis of data of seven models. December 2007 launch of the national standards adopted in Hong Kong terrestrial digital television, in January 2008 in Beijing, CCTV experimental broadcast HD programming. Eight cities in 2008 with the broadcast of the Beijing Olympics.

2009, completed a national-level cities in frequency planning, the city concluded 2008 Olympic broadcast experience, to carry out construction of the national network.

2009 109 cities terrestrial digital broadcasting.

This mode covers seven low bit rate, high rate, the rate situation. City has to begin broadcasting in advance of the seven models were chosen for their broadcast business needs require, according to SARFT to promote technology in 2009 to promote the process step by step, just to see the situation begin broadcasting some of the city. We can see in Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, including Hong Kong has adopted a different encoding. Using the same channel encoding 264, adopted in Shanghai AVS .

In Beijing Olympic HD Channel 14, the program is a multi-mode transmission. Rate is 26.8 trillion. Add audio bit rate is 17.16 trillion total.

Which describes the purpose of this is that the back will be referred to SD, you can see the potential of their technology, the 8-channel high-definition programs broadcast within the same time. This is the way of broadcast, broadcast channel 37 in Hong Kong in HD and two SD, HD bit rate is 12 trillion, two sets of SD is 3.5 trillion. This can effectively improve the frequency of the results.

Supporting the standard, this is managed by the SARFT counterparts construction, which we launched in 2008 supporting standards development work of 16 of them, released the nine industry standards, after a year of actual use, after a year experiments to some of the amendments for comment as a state, part of the complete comments.

Transmitter, etc. Here is some of the standard equipment, planning guidelines, system application standards.

Terminal receiver standard is managed by the Ministry of Industry, I am not here described.

09 Film and Television Commission to propose new national standard criteria, included here, radio signal coverage assessment and measurement, single-frequency network access granted when life equipment.

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