Intermittent Fasting – Making It Work
Intermittent Fasting Explained
Intermittent Fasting
Fasting, often shortened to I.F. is the process of fasting on a semi regular basis. The traditional approach to using intermittent fasting would be to to take a day off from eating every 48 hours. Simply explained this would mean you eat as normal on Thursday and then not eat on Friday but resume eating as normal on the Saturday, before again fasting on the Sunday. In this way the Intermittent Fasting schedule is restricting calories over the week by having periods where you are not consuming food.
Intermittent Fasting – Making It Work For You
Strict Intermittent Fasting as described above will produce weight loss, but in my view is too restrictive to follow long term. I myself find that fasting on the weekend would be impossible, and of course with the every other day fasting routine, you are going to have a day that clashes with your fasting day. I believe that we have to fit our diet around our lifestyle, not our lifestyle around out diet. The key to using fasting for weight loss is flexibility. As you will see on this blog, I have experimented with my own intermittent fasting times .
Intermittent Fasting What Works Best ?
Many who use intermittent fasting to control their weight do so using a condensed eating window . In my own experience I have found that a flexible intermittent fasting schedule will help in reducing body fat and help with keeping weight off. As we are all individual it is important that you use I.F. in the best way for you and not be restricted by any rules. My weight loss success has been achieved by not depriving myself of the foods I love, and by allowing enough flexibility in my use of intermittent fasting over the long term. After trying different variations of I.F. I am of the opinion that the results achieved by fasting 24 hours once or twice per week ( In my case I use 2 ) are the best for both losing weight and keeping it off for the long term.
Dave Retired Dieter Ward , has used intermittent fasting to ?lose over 65lbs of fat. to learn more on how to make it work for you, read his Eat Stop Eat Review