Protecting your .NET code with Software and Hardware Licencing
Software Protection is an essential feature for you once you have decided to commercialize your codes to the world. Without protection your code will be everybody’s property and the revenus you have planned to generate will go down the drain. Protection in the software indusrty is available in abundance but the real challenge is choosing a good vendor and the best option for protecting your code else you will eventually be left wondering where and what went wrong.
Software Licencing Protection come in two ways software based and hardware based. You can choose to go with any one of them depending upon your needs and the level of protection you are looking for. After checking the advantages and disadvantages of each the one that best suits the requirements of the software should be slected and implemented.
Software based Software License Protection is the earliest protection method available and usually the protected application will require the user to enter a passowrd or a unlock code. This type of protection has a lower ownership cost the cost is much lesser than hardware based in the long run. It comes with limited security features and making implementation much easier.
A Hardware Based Software Licencing Protection is laden with superd security features making hacking nearly impossible for a hacker although a bit expensive than software licence protection but it gives you the return for your money in the long run. Different Software models are possible with hardware licencing option as you can pack your software into ready pack products.
Getting a Hardware Based Software Licencing Protection can be challenging sometimes as you have to keep the compatibility issues of the hardware in mind along with the cost of the dongel/hardware that you are provided with. But if a Hardware Based Software Licencing Protection is your requirement then compatibily and cost shuld not prove to be much of hinderance.
Getting the best protection for your software is not a challenge but slecting the best from the better ones available in the market is surely a task that has to be perfrmed carefully given the size and success ratio of the gray market.
For more details on Code Protection technology, .net Obfuscators, .net Code Security and .net Code Security feel free to visit us at