Sell My Mobile For Cash – Really Its True!
If you are like me and you have a lot of mobile phones lying around, it’s time to start getting cash for phones! There are several different websites online which will allow me to sell my mobile and get cash for phones, and it’s really real! You can either sell to a website directly that will give you cash for phones or if you really want to find the best price for your phone, I would suggest finding a comparison mobile phone recycling site online. These comparison websites will allow you to choose your brand and model of your phone and they will give you side by side statistics of what each site offers online.
You could just do all of this yourself, but it’s going to take quite some time. It’s the reason when I chose to sell my phone that I chose to use a mobile phone recycling comparison website. I have five phones I never use. They are just sitting in a drawer. So, I wanted to get rid of them quickly and I wanted to get the best price possible. Here is a ranking of a few different phone brands as well as what these mobile phone recycling companies offered when I sell my mobile:
1. Apple $207.50
2. Motorola $ 87.67
3. Blackberry $ 58.85
4. HTC $ 36.25
5. LG $ 30.89
6. Other $ 25.00
The leading phone brand as well as the most paid for phone is the Apple phones that had around an 40% offer/sale. The second place winner was actually Blackberry and they accounted for 25% of phones sold. The most popular model was the Blackberry Bold 9000 which represented 11% of the phones we received in October and we paid $88 for this phone in October. For Apple, one website said: We paid the most for the Apple iPhone 3Gs 32GB at $245. Find a recycle mobile site that does comparisons and not only will you save yourself a ton of time when you sell your mobile, but you will also make more money.
For example, if I do my own research, I might find that one site offers $200 for my phone. I sell it to them for cash for phones, only to realize I missed another big site that would have actually given me $230! Sure, $30 isn’t much, but right now all the money counts! One thing I would suggest is to find a comparison site that specializes in popular phones like iPhone recycling. iPhone recycling is popular because of the brand itself – iPhones are very popular and everyone wants one.
But, iPhone recycling is also popular because they are constantly coming out with new phones, people want to get rid of these phones and get new phones so the price for iPhone recycling and cash for phones is going to be much higher than say, a Samsung Intercept.
This Author is a huge fan of Sell My Mobile