Tablets tower above

Just when we think we have the newest, most up to date laptop on the market, the iPad came along. Never again will a computer – no matter how slim, streamlined or lightweight – be able to rival a ‘tablet’.

And who is the queen of these tablets? When the iPad came out in April 2010, it blew its competition out of the water. According to a study released by the law firm Olswang earlier this year; the tablet market is in its early stages with only three per cent of Americans owning an iPad and two per cent owning another kind of tablet computer

But with the introduction of tablets and iPads comes a whole new lingo. Here’s a short glossary to get you started:

Slate: An iPad is a type of ‘slate’ or tablet. Slate is used to describe a portable computer that does not have a keyboard attached to it.

App: Short for application. It is a program or piece of software you install in the iPad. Some are functional, others, pure fun.

Sync: Changes to your iPad will not be applied until you ‘sync’ then with your computer. This allows you to manage which apps, photos and music you want loaded onto the iPad.

Wireless: Without wireless internet the iPad can’t access the App store, surf the web or use some of the apps.

If you want to walk the walk and talk the talk but don’t want the upfront commitment of investing in the iPad you don’t have to. With Blink you can get the latest iPad 2 for no more than $20 upfront and a monthly broadband payment.

This iPad 2 broadband deal is perfect for anyone who wants to work on the run with the most efficient high tech equipment available. For all those who are not ‘apple-philes’ Blink also offer deals with the Samsung Galaxy and a range of other mobile technology. What’s more, the ongoing rental and mobile broadband deal (whether it’s 16GB or 64 BG a month) can be bundled into one easy payment each month, starting from just $39.95.

To connect with Blink and get fast mobile broadband internet on-the-go head to

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