2008 XCMG operating income across the 40 billion yuan

Recently from the leading enterprises in China Construction Machinery Industry XCMG good news came in 2008, Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group operating income broke through 40 billion yuan mark, and has become the scale of construction machinery industry over 40 billion yuan first-class enterprise achieved a new historic leap. This indicates that China's construction machinery business in Competition with multinational firms in overall competitive strength and onto a new level.

Xugongkeji the largest in Asia Roller Assembly line

2008, faced with a changing market situation and the economic crisis, XCMG rely on decades of accumulated overall advantage of the powerful, always based on innovation, management, upgrades, deep plowing the main industry, the expansion of industry, they obtained a a new breakthrough. Especially the second half of last year, followed in the economic crisis of the difficulties and challenges, faced with declining industry sales, inventories and other unfavorable situation, Xu industry workers have always maintained the best business and economic operation quality, and always maintained a more than industry average growth rate of development, China has always maintained a leading construction machinery industry, the first position, annual operating income of 40.8 billion yuan, up 32.5%; realized sales income 30.028 billion yuan, up 28.5%; total profits and taxes 30.12 billion, up 45%; profits surge 41.5%; achieve exports topped 800 million U.S. dollars, up 43%. This is XCMG Following the realization of 20 billion in 2006, achieving 30 billion in 2007, after the first year of growth for three consecutive years to achieve 10 billion.

400 million behind, reflecting a national machinery enterprises Yong on this responsibility in the industry to serve the country, embodied an excellent entrepreneurs innovative self, beyond the pursuit of self-development, reflecting a 1.5 million workers perseverance struggle of the fight, XCMG to strike against the tide of growth and development of the valuable results it is hard to come by. Xugong

innovation is an inexhaustible motive force of rapid development. In early 2008, Xu workers held the first General Assembly is the "meeting on technological innovation", was not only the recognition of a large number of technological innovation projects and technological innovation talent, recruited 56 outstanding contributions "XCMG technical experts", also focused on The 20 proposed multi-year major technical innovation projects. These 20 projects are occupying commanding heights of the high-end industry products and core technologies. One year later, 20 major technological innovation projects progressing smoothly, some have advanced into the market, such as the project XLZ230 of cold recycling machine, slip Loader 5 projects completed ahead of schedule and other R & D, 500 tons all terrain crane, 650 tons crawler crane, the new roller, K series loaders, series excavators, XG360 continuous wall equipment, unveiled 43 new products Bauma Shanghai and attracted wide attention, Truck Crane Radiators, fuel tanks other items excavator successful development of key components or bulk package. Xugong year technology development projects were completed 58 and was receiving all kinds of patent 111, of which 26 patents, has won nine innovations in China Machinery Industry Science and Technology Progress Award.

8 18, Xugong another major technology investments Jiangsu (Xuzhou) Construction Machinery Research Institute of the overall project planning and project feasibility through the Provincial Science and Technology Department. Xu Research Institute of Construction Engineering total investment 434 million yuan, of which province allocated 50 million yuan this year, has been put into planning and construction is scheduled to be completed in 2012. The Institute will undertake research Xugong key generic technologies, product design, component development, product performance testing and personnel training, speed and world standards, core technology access Track Pace.

Xugong international operations is another take-off wing. In recent years, always Xugong of international strategy, export growth continued to double, Xu industrial products have been exported to 137 countries and regions in the world, and began to batch exports of developed countries in Europe and America. The face of the second half of last year, the RMB appreciation and the test of international markets decline sharply, Xugong by continuing to strengthen the overseas marketing system, service system, after screening, assessment, evaluation, out of the establishment of 55 overseas Proxy Business, in nearly 30 countries set up agent Xugong products exhibition, gallery, Poland, Kazakhstan, Iran and other regional spare parts centers have put into use last December, XCMG Polish factory was built and put into production soon Xu overseas workers on the layout and industrialization has taken an important first step. A series of strong measures to Xugong exports in a sustained, strong, rapid growth has been far ahead in the position of the domestic industry. Crane industry last year, the export of similar products occupy 73% of exports, loaders, road rollers, Grader And other host export industry continued to maintain first.

Xugongkeji K Series Loader Product Group

Broaden the product line and optimizing the industrial layout Xugong expanded new growth. Last year in July, an industry news aroused the universal concern of the full acquisition of Xuzhou Construction Machinery Group, Jiangsu Chunlan Chunlan Motor Company held a 60% stake, strong into the heavy automotive industry. September 21, Xuzhou Engineering Automotive Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Nanjing opening ceremony held in Nanjing, the company completed a strategic vision over the years. Successful acquisition of Nanjing Automobile in the corporate development strategy XCMG great significance, marking the Xugong truly entered a construction machinery outside, but closely related with the construction machinery manufacturing heavy-duty trucks. Xugong to create 100 billion yuan for the world-class business development strategy has taken a substantial step. Able to produce heavy-duty vehicles, for Xugong to provide complete engineering machinery products, construction to achieve a package of solutions to further enhance the product's adaptability and competitiveness to provide an excellent platform to XCMG cranes will be able to realize the pressure that can digging can push to transport equipment to the development goals, but also provide environmental protection, safety, advanced and reliable sets of construction equipment and construction program to provide a basic condition.

Last year, Xu preparation work Mining Machinery Companies, the formation of rapid manufacturing system in place, efforts to promote its own brand XCMG, with world-class high, medium and small full range of development and production of hydraulic excavators. October, Xugong officially passed the national examination Finance leases Pilot enterprises, with financing and leasing business, a construction equipment rental industry, paving the way for benchmark enterprises. According to development plan, the scale of finance leases in 2010 reached 50 billion yuan. XCMG Construction Machinery transmission, drive axle, engine and other core components projects are to push on, wind power equipment, logistics, special railway construction project

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