Must see to extend the life of the four projection note


Is a precision electronic products, which combines mechanical,

Liquid crystal



D, electronic circuit technology, and therefore the use of attention from the following aspects (in liquid crystal projector as an example):



Prevent strong collision, compression and vibration.

Because of strong earthquakes can cause the displacement of liquid crystal film, when the three affected shows


Convergence, there is not overlap phenomenon RGB color, while the optical system of lenses, mirrors will produce deformed or damaged, affecting the image projection, and the zoom lens will track the impact of damage caused by the lens stuck, or even shot breakdown not available.

Optical system

Attention to dust and the use of the environment



We are using polysilicon LCD panels generally only 1.3 inches, or even only 0.9 inches, while the resolution reached 1024X768 or 800X600, means that each pixel is only 0.02mm, the dust particles enough to stop it. And because the full heat projector LCD panels generally have a dedicated fan to tens of liters per minute flow of air to air cooling for its high-speed airflow through


After the filters are tiny dust particles may be entrained, their mutual absorption caused by the static friction in the cooling system, which will affect the projection screen. Therefore, the projector is very important to use dust-proof environment, must be strictly prohibited


, Is more easily absorbed by dust particles in the optical system. Therefore, frequent or regular cleaning to the inlet of the Dust Network.

Current polysilicon LCD panels are more afraid of high temperature, the newer models are equipped with the LCD panel in the vicinity

Temperature Sensor

When the air inlet and Dust network blocked, poor airflow, the projector will rapidly increase the temperature, when temperature sensor will alarm and immediately cut off the light source circuit. Therefore, to maintain the smooth flow of air inlet, in a timely manner is necessary to clean the filter.

Projector ceiling installation, to ensure that the upper space of the room ventilation and heat dissipation. When lifting the projector, it is often only pay attention to the surroundings, forgetting the hot air rising, the work of the ceiling projector, the ambient temperature and the following are very different, therefore, can not ignore this.

Light source part

Present, most projectors use metal halide lamp (MetalHalide), in the light state, the lamp voltage 60-80V or so at both ends, the gas pressure inside the bulb is greater than 10kg/cm, there are thousands of degrees temperature, filament in a semi-molten state. Therefore, non-state vibration in the boot, move the projector to prevent the light bulb burst, stopped immediately after use can not disconnect the power to make the machine automatically after cooling down, the state power in the machine heat damage is the most common projector rework one of the reasons. In addition, to reduce the number of switch machine useful life of the bulb.

Circuit part

Non hot plug




And projection


The best source of ground at the same time.

This is because when the projector and the signal source (such as


Machine) to connect a different power supply, the 20 lines that may exist between the high potential difference. When the user hot plug signal line or other circuit, plug socket in between the ignition phenomena, damage to the signal input circuit, thus causing serious consequences.

Projector when in use, some users have requested the signal source and a greater distance between the projector, such as the lifting of the projectors are generally more than 15 meters away from the signal source, then the appropriate signal cable must be extended. This will cause the signal input attenuation projector, projection screen out of place or even fuzzy trailing jitter phenomenon. This is not a projector malfunction, it will not damage the machine. The best way to solve this problem is to install a signal after the signal source


Can ensure signal transmission over 20 meters and no problem.

To LCD projector above example describes some of the projectors used in the points


Projector similar to, but can work for longer than LCD captain, while CRT projector maintenance relatively small, due to the basic non-moving, so the failure rate is relatively low. But no matter what kind of projector failure, users can not be removed by inspection, the machine is not user self-maintenance components, and the pressure inside the projector device is likely to cause serious bodily harm. Therefore, not only to choose the right product purchase to find a good price, but also to choose the right business, understand the maintenance service calls, there are issues to professional advice, we will not have to worry about.

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