Laser anti

  Early photographs of laser holographic laser can only be reproduced, or want to observe the laser hologram can only be used in a certain angle laser light source can be observed that exposure hologram

Image. To achieve the commercialization of holographic photo reproduction is necessary to achieve the white, that is, in ordinary light can be observed under the laser holographic image. The most commonly used white embossed hologram reproduction

Laser holographic technology for two-step rainbow holography and one-step rainbow holography.

Three-dimensional laser holography, the image shown to interfere in the areas of metrology and nondestructive testing has been successfully used, laser holographic technology, a more extensive use of laser holography in the molded

After the technological inventions. Early hologram replication is necessary to laser as the light source to light-sensitive material as a carrier sheet to copy, its process complexity, high cost and low efficiency.

Molded holographic special photosensitive materials: photoresist. The material came to light laser holography for treatment can get relief-type phase holograms, ie production of embossed hologram

Map master. Master uneven surface is full of interference fringes, its density can reach more than 1000 per mm. In the master surface, a certain thickness of metal plating on the nickel

Can be made from bulk copy (print) with the metal master, metal master copy of the holographic interference fringes on the master. Installed on the metal master molding machine, the molded-wide

Interest thin film materials (PET, BOPP, etc.) heating, the metal master to a certain degree of pressure to pressure in the thin-film material, the metal master hologram relief on the embossed hologram thin on the embossed

Membrane materials. This is a high-volume, high-speed, low-cost laser hologram reproduction method, to the application of laser holography has brought a quantum leap.

More mature molded advent of laser holography in the early eighties of the twentieth century, the United States, the mid-eighties from entering China. Molded the early major application of laser holography

In the image display (Arts & Crafts category), in the application security field, the molded holographic technology is developed rapidly.

In China, the molded laser technology was first used in 1988, the field of security. The reason why this technology can be used in the field of security, in addition to low prices, convenience and other factors identified

, Technically speaking, mainly because of its very strong message bearing capacity. Embossed hologram when the hologram can be recorded in the state of optical components used in the nature of post-processing of

And the nature of sensitive material, the optical characteristics of the complex can not be effective replication. Due to very strong message carrying capacity, extremely difficult for the ink printing method of reduction

Micro-technology, for example on laser holography molded simpler.

    China’s molded laser holography rainbow from the previous two-step method, two-step rainbow mask method, developed a low-frequency grating shiny France lithography, pixel lithography method. In material

Of material from the permanent-type molding materials developed to a one-time molding materials, stamping-type molding materials, the material pre-or post-processing has developed rules of dealumination, some dealumination

, Half-tone hologram, holographic perspective and so on; and printing technology, has developed a combination of fluorescent ink, laser-opened-type identity [3], scratch-type laser marking, laser holography

Stamping, etc.; the combination of the two materials has developed a double-secret-type identification; combination with other anti-counterfeiting technology, has developed a laser holographic phone codes identified. Of laser anti-counterfeit business

Marked the authenticity of non-specialists from the simple visual inspection is also developed to test the card, magnifying glass inspection, the laser beam inspection, the future trend of e-identification test.

Molded the early identification and low brightness laser holography to observe the range of small, bright enough color, pattern are not clear enough, mask the use of law to improve the clarity of the pattern, so that Figure

Case observed convenient; grating method applied to improve the shining brightness and color brightness; pixel lithography applications enable the automation of holography, and to point by point to light

Way so that each pixel has a different parameters in order to achieve our colorful design of the dynamic changes; two-step rainbow technologies to achieve further development of the film a sense of dynamic

And three-dimensional dynamics. Molded laser holographic technology, while there can be no counterfeit, but for ordinary consumers to identify the authenticity of it is very difficult. Early laser anti-counterfeit mainly

Exclusive nature of security, with the holographic technology, promotion, exclusive no longer exist. In response to intense of competing, to improve the recognition ability of non-professionals, laser holography

Staff have been developing new technologies, such as meteor light points, magic profiling technology and other first-line anti-counterfeiting technology and laser encryption, dual-card technology, such as second-line anti-counterfeiting technology, molded holographic logo Kam

Other direction: rapid electronic semi-automatic / automatic identification.

    Molded one-time use of materials to solve the secondary transfer of anti-counterfeit trademark, for the promotion of molded holographic mark plays a huge role. Stamping-based molding material

The use of materials to achieve the packaging, security integration, because of domestic materials, holographic hot stamping process issues affecting their promotion of speed, but this will be the largest molded laser holography

??. Wide molding machine invention greatly improved the production efficiency. Molded materials for holographic pretreatment and post-processing to generate rules or dealumination (rule exposed) type,

Part of the dealumination type, location dealuminated type, hollow type embossed hologram holographic anti-counterfeit labels, as well as half-tones and perspective-based holographic anti-counterfeit labels. Rules or rules-based disclosure dealuminated type identification

In the paste material being posted on the Jie Kai, the part of the aluminum layer has been posted off to the object displayed on a preset text or images; some dealumination has a bar-type logo off aluminum layer change

For the transparent (also known as a one-way positioning dealumination); rules dealuminated type fixed position in the logo off aluminum layer becomes transparent (also known as bi-directional positioning dealumination); hollow-type in the model

Pressure of the hologram aluminum film aluminum surface corrosion resistant materials, gravure printing, through etching the aluminum film on the aluminum layer of regularly hollowed to form text or graphics (no location dealumination)

Are used for cigarettes, pull security. Aluminum layer of the molded material to retain the form of dots 20-30 off the rest of aluminized layer, can be made of semi-tone holographic products, such as body

Copies of the certificate used in laser holographic anti-counterfeiting technology shall be half-tone hologram; perspective-type holographic logo graphic print film coverage of holographic films can be observed, and does not affect

Ring laser holographic image observation.

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