Landing Page Design: Start Closing Sales

Landing Page Design
Landing page design is what really makes the difference between a successful banner or pay-per-click campaign and an expensive waste of time and effort. You can have the most astounding web banner in the world and generate a bucket load of traffic but it won’t be worth a dime if your landing page fails to close the sale. Allow me then to outline a few key features of landing page design so that you might learn from the mistakes of others and not your own:

1.    Consistency, consistency, consistency! Yes branding is all about consistency and if you want your brand to be recognized you need to make it recognizable by using the same colors, logos and slogans on all your promotional material. If your branding isn’t consistent a potential customer could click on your web banner and fail to recognize that your website is the one they were looking for.

2.    Less is more! Keep your page clear and simple – let your text do the selling. Lengthy flash animations often fail to load in which case your landing page is worth zilch, nada, nothing. Images can fail to load as well so never include your text inside an image.

3.    Gain your customers confidence by backing your product – offer free trails, money back guarantees and free samples if you can spare them. There are a lot of scams out there in Internet-land so it’s really important to

distinguish yourself as a reputable seller.

4.    Don’t bug people! Don’t ask people to give reams of personal information, require them to register or sign up for services they don’t want. Trust us you’ll earn more money by befriending your customers than by badgering them to death.

Now that you have a better idea of what constitutes good landing page design I recommend you immediately click away from this article and start getting rich now!

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