Weiyi Liang: Jan innovative features Sailing Office University (Photos)

To "short and efficient process embedded composite spinning technology" as the core series products, the company added 2.56 billion yuan output value, added 430 million yuan of profits, additional revenue 230 million yuan, 210 million U.S. dollars export , a University Technology Transfer successful example.

HC Clothing Net Wuhan University of Science for Textile People, not new, because its predecessor is the Wuhan Institute of Textile, dating back to 1958. After several adjustments, the formation of textile Clothing Professional distinctive features, advantages prominent universities and colleges. Among them, Clothing College is the first university established by the National Department of apparel, clothing colleges in the nation for nine consecutive years, "Newcomer", "Educational Award" comprehensive integration first, awarded by the Chinese Fashion Designers Association China's "top ten fashion elite "Honor. College has "a new green textile materials processing and functional build a provincial Education Key Laboratory of Ministry "and" textile Engineering Research Center of Cleaner Production ", has a new textile materials and their application in Hubei Province Key Laboratory of Hubei Province Key Laboratory of digital textile equipment in 10 provincial key research base.

Weiyi Liang President Features a School Innovation Training Mode paying off

Increasingly competitive in the current trend of higher education under a university to be recognized by the community, in competition to grasp the initiative in the development should not only focus on school size and degree level, should value characteristics and the teaching quality.

Characteristics for Development, Discipline of Wuhan University of Science and the basic direction. Based on market trends, schools, the traditional advantages of discipline as "root", timely cultivate "new branch", and new strengths in all disciplines between the fringe group, and then continue to "grow" a new comprehensive class subjects, eventually, the subject system exhibits the textile, clothing and other advantages of discipline as "trunk", new disciplines as "branches" of the more complete "tree" system of group discipline.

Personnel training is an important mission of the University. In undergraduate training, the Wuhan University of Science presented "1 + N" Training Mode features: "1" require students to pass the professional school, "N" require students to develop their personality and expertise, emphasizing individualized, comprehensive training and strong individual characteristics of outstanding features talent. Wuhan University of Science and president of Weiyi Liang said: "We require students to have not only simple fashion, simplicity is the attitude of the students studying to be correct, down to earth, lay the foundation, learn professional knowledge to enhance professional skills; fashion is the vision of students to open and innovation, should always understand the needs of society and industry professionals, to improve overall competitiveness. "

"In the post-graduate training, the focus on improving their own ability to learn, insist on 'the three of three types' of personnel training ideas that adhere to open, creative achievement; outstanding professional, academic-type building; encourage autonomy , the pursuit of practical type. to the basis of characteristics and advantages of professional, stressed students should have multi-disciplinary knowledge and divergent thinking patterns, and to stimulate innovation and teaching interest in postgraduate research study. "Weiyi Liang principal told us that this innovative personnel training model has been a remarkable success, steadily enhance the quality of graduate students: graduate students in the national graduate mathematical modeling contest, "Challenge Cup" competition Extracurricular academic and scientific work has won numerous awards such as; a large number of high-level papers were SCI, EI , ISTP included; a number of inventions national patents.

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