Digital TV one machine bullish

2015, China will end analog TV Signal, with the "doomsday" is approaching, the digital TV shift work to speed up the overall conversion, more and more families will enter the era of high-definition analog digital age. One machine as a digital television can receive digital television programs by more and more consumers, and manufacturers have been accelerating efforts to promote new products, digital TV market is expected to occur one machine blowout market.

Manufacturers push new frequency Currently, the United States, Europe, Japan and other countries and regions of the digital TV market, are "one machine" oriented. Around the radio and television in China because of different standards used, the signal encrypted channels are not uniform, radio and television operators generally use the "TV + set-top box" model, which integrated digital TV or too few machines. However, this problem has been solved step by step in the technology now can use "one machine + size cards (cards and program cards as close unity)" method, so consumers there even if the cable networks to move the different situations only need to replace the small card, without the need to re-purchase. According to the State Council promulgated in 2008, "on the digital TV industry to encourage the development of a number of policy" to provide for the implementation of digital cable TV receiver terminal "UIM" system, therefore, two cards-one of the model will be on the market, "one machine to promote standards . "

"From the technical point of view, digital TV one machine there is no problem. In LG, Sony Samsung and other foreign brands, led more and more domestic manufacturers are also involved in the digital television market to one machine. "ISuppli said digital television analyst Review and prospect.

This year, the company pushed the action is very often one machine, and the whole machine and the current hot spot of LED technology, the Internet television technologies. For example, this year's CCBN exhibition Konka to launch variety of HD, network and integration of digital television entertainment machine products. This year in April, Skyworth launch HD cool to open one machine E80 Series LED LCD TV , Using a Remote control Can be realized on the cable and terrestrial wireless digital signals full HD solution.

Consumers favor a plus "Compared to ordinary TV set-top box + the way, one unit is not digital TV set-top boxes, to avoid the complicated wires, looks simple and beautiful, and more convenient to use, and thus gradually become the first choice for many families." Shen Jian, director of Skyworth Brand told reporters that "Also, one machine out of a set-top boxes, direct broadcast digital high definition television to receive the signal, the whole digital Video Treatment, do not need an external set-top boxes and other signal processing equipment, avoiding the high definition signal in the transmission of mass loss during the conversion process, which results would be better to watch. "

Reporters Gome, Suning and other stores found that many consumers are quite interested in digital television body machine. "Last year 11 when I only want to buy a PC and USB can take the flat-panel TVs. Later, a salesperson told me that one machine inside the synthesis of the set-top box, can watch high-definition programs. At that time online offer is 5,000 yuan, in my store bargain, coupled with TM to the subsidies actually spent only 3,400 yuan. now you can watch at home to 3 sets of free HD programming, HD programming looked after, they no longer want to see standard definition of the. This is not Recommend a friend to buy. "Cao told reporters consumers.

Sales will reach 4 million units this year

"2009 year, sales of digital television body machine is 100 million units, according to our expected market for digital TV integrated machine capacity can be up to 400 million units," Review and prospect told reporters. This year, the capacity of digital television was the result of one machine so much growth, from growth in flat-panel TV market itself, as well as manufacturers continue to push. In addition, last year's sales volume is not large, although 400 million units this year, but only about 12% of total market sales, with Europe and the United States and other developed countries, the gap is still quite a way.

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