Brand of the times: the printing industry to lay the network card

Ailing say "ah well-known to be as early as possible" into the wisdom of many people, famous people can be said to Bo tried a variety of ways, in the present age of the Internet means it is well-known variety, the stars, set up personal blog, Write from the meager; 3G, filled roadside bus Advertisement Column; Sohu, fox is squeezed into the Spring Festival Evening stage.

Individuals known to fame, collectively known to survive. China's accession to WTO, door open, so that domestic enterprises of all sizes are facing more international competition, incentives, no matter what you are doing business, the market economy can not escape the same baptism of survival of the fittest. In this baptism, the company must find its own merits, their own and competitors to find different places to find their own advantage to take the pulse of the market! Competitive strength is undeniably the best weapon, but the "famous" heretical this gate, after all a sword. To Print Well-known method of manufacturing enterprises can be: first, by the strength (printing hundred per year), two good things (James Chang for printing as an art), 3, do bad things. For many small and medium sized printing enterprises, small enterprises, can not output on the hundred chart; technology is not strong enough, can not be unique. Strength of those who did not see the entertainment industry not been able to image the star of the famous history of fame, we can find another well-known method of "propaganda", but many small and medium sized printing company known as reluctant to take this road. Although they have established their own corporate website, but only in accordance with the corporate Web site established a fixed, corporate culture, business Management , Product management and other columns, then buy an ad in Baidu bit, but did not make good use of the Internet to promote corporate social sites.

The star-making capacity of the Internet is absolutely great, do not know how many people each year and events in the burst of red on it overnight, they can "blast Red" fully benefit from the speed and spread of the Internet users base. According to official statistics, as of the end of November 2009, the scale of China's Internet users reached 360 million, up 20.8% over last year, Internet-scale ranks first in the world. As the number of Internet users increases every year, the Internet's influence will be more powerful, can be said that the Internet "fame" is not a difficult task, as long as you like.

The Internet in the final analysis is a tool or a resource, as a tool or resource, you need someone to operate, you must use the mind to run. Web Site built, many people ignore, and some employees do not even know their company's Web site, how will it get from the web site effective? Since enterprises have their own website, you should maintain some of its comprehensive, in the maintenance of the site at the same time pay attention to the promotion of the site. Will promote not just a business site to log on to some domestic well-known search engine sites, you can exchange with the industry Web site links to the portal in the industry to publish information on the use of other on-line guest book or forum, etc. to publish information about their business, etc.. Perhaps these practices is not very innovative, we can not do the same as Hugo, a steamed bread on the fire was. But if companies really do, and corporate web site will inadvertently be clicking, if you received the order through the site is granted.

Eleventh Five-Year Plan to develop our Internet portal in China has been let into the profits of the door; last year, the State again Electronic Planning the revitalization of the information industry, the Internet ushered in another spring, in the spring, we hope that our printing companies should seize this opportunity to make their sites "famous."

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