"Government Work Report" new starting point for planning new developme

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2008, is the capital of particular importance to the history of the year, we have successfully attained the "New Beijing, Olympics "Strategic vision. In 2009, is the capital of the new phase of development of the first year, we will summarize the use of the Olympic experience, vigorously carry forward the Olympic spirit, and constantly promote" humanistic Beijing, Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing green "building to the capital of prosperous, civilized, Harmony, Easy Living's outstanding achievements, meet the new China was founded 60 years ago.

Review 2008 One, the successful completion of the Olympic organizing

Our comprehensive practice of "Green Olympics, Scientific Olympics and Humanity Olympics" concept, realized the Games are a unique, high-level Olympic Games, Paralympic Games, goals, did the international community satisfaction, satisfaction with athletes from various countries, so that people satisfaction of the masses, for the century-old dream of the Chinese nation has made important contributions.

Olympic construction has made new achievements

High quality built Olympic venues and related facilities, Bird's Nest, Water Cube and other fine the times, wrote a brilliant page in the history of Chinese architecture. Urban infrastructure services, the level of protection further.

city to run well-organized Municipal facilities well-functioning information network flow security, event smooth and orderly, harmonious operation of urban transportation, emergency management significantly strengthened.

improved urban and rural environment More than two days of the year reached 74.9%, the level of innocuous disposal of garbage to continue to improve the city environment clean, beautiful beautiful.

Towards 2009 Government work this year, the general requirements: fully implement the Party's 17 large and 17 sessions of the Second Plenary Session, Plenary Session, the Central Economic Work Conference, conscientiously study and understand the Party General Secretary Hu Jintao to mark the Third Session of the Eleventh General Assembly plenary meeting on the 30th anniversary of important speech, thoroughly implement the scientific concept of development, summarize the use of the Olympic experience, vigorously carry forward the Olympic spirit, strengthen confidence, seize the opportunity to focus on improving the development environment, efforts to expand domestic demand, efforts to promote independent innovation, focus on the development of competitive industries, and deepen reform and opening up, focus on improving people's livelihood, maintaining stable and rapid economic capital development and social harmony and stability, accelerate the construction of "humanistic Beijing, Science and Technology Beijing, Beijing green" to the capital of prosperous, civilized, harmonious and livable excellent performance, meet the new China was founded 60 years ago.

2009, the city's economic and social development of major goals: strive to achieve GDP growth of 9%; the registered urban unemployment rate within 2.5%; urban and rural income grew more than 6%; the consumer price index remained at 103.5% less ; local revenue growth of more than 10%; 10,000 yuan GDP energy consumption, water consumption decreased by 4% and 5%, chemical oxygen demand and sulfur dioxide emissions were reduced by 2% and 3%; urban air quality 2 the number of days above 71% share and strive to achieve.

1, expand domestic demand and ensure the development of

We will resolutely implement the central policies and measures to expand domestic demand to further increase investment and consumption on the role of economic growth. Rapid growth in investment promotion, efforts to expand consumption, increase efforts to support enterprises, strengthen market supervision.

service quality and efficient protection Olympic service attention to detail, public health surveillance, early warning and emergency relief continue to strengthen, the window industry, service quality and civilized.

full realization of safe Olympics The general public to participate in maintaining public order, violence and terrorist attacks not occurred, endangering national security and social stability of the major political events and large-scale mass incidents.

civilized and harmonious social environment Carry out the "Welcome the Olympics, stressing civilization, and fostering new practices" activities, the quality of the people of civilization and urban civilization has markedly increased.

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