117-101 Security Exam Questions
The latest Lpi 117-101 exam questions have been updated in Killtest now. As all known, Killtest is the leader in IT Certification that offers a Full Money Back Guarantee. They have provided the Lpi 117-101 practice exam simulation. Killtest security 117-101 exam questions are designed by highly experienced and certified trainer’s that have put together the high quality for 117-101 exam. Please feel free to download our 117-101 exam questions if you visit Killtest.
Exam demos for this 117-101 exam questions are as follows, you can have a look:
1.Which command will show you the contents of a gzip compressed tar archive?
A. gzip archive.tgz | tar xvf –
B. tar ztf archive.tgz
C. gzip -d archive.tgz | tar tvf –
D. tar cf archive.tgz
Answer: B
2.What is the purpose of the Bash built-in export command?
A. To allow disks to be mounted remotely.
B. To automate the export of variables for subsequently executed commands.
C. To make the command history available to sub-shells.
D. To run a command as a process in a sub-shell.
E. To save variable settings for future shell invocations.
Answer: B
The study material of Lpi 117-101 exam is given in the easy format of questions and answers which will be very easy for all candidates who wish to obtain the Lpi Certification. Killtest offers passing successfully with Killtest security 117-101 exam questions.
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