Killtest COG-500 Real Test

Killtest IBM COG-500 real test provides you with an examination experience like no other. Killtest COG-500 practice exam and the directory questions and answers are composed by current and active Information Technology experts, who use their experience in preparing you for your future in IT.

Some exam descriptions for this COG-500 real test as follows:
Exam Number: COG-500
Exam Name: IBM Cognos 8 Analytic Applications Developer
Number of questions: 60
Time allowed in minutes: 90
Required passing score: 65%
Test languages: English

Here are some demos for this exam:
1.What do you call a single dimension that supports distinct logical uses in a warehouse model?
A. an outrigger dimension
B. a role-playing dimension
C. a self-join dimension
D. a bridge dimension
Answer: B
2.In which situation would you use a factless fact.?
A. When numeric measurement values are not always available from the source system.
B. When the target warehouse is fully refreshed on a regular basis with numeric measurement values.
C. When business process events have no natural numeric measurement values.
D. When multi-grain measurement values will be stored on the fact table.
Answer: C

The COG-500 test questions and answers in Killtest can help you pass your exam easily, which is completed by the senior IT lectures and the Technology Foundations product experts of Killtest, anyone who need COG-500 real test and free demos of this test can visit Killtest.

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