Prospects of automobile industry locks

Toyota's "recall the door" is reminiscent of the Audi then burst out of the "car lock." In 2006, Audi car owners complained that "an Audi car keys can also open two Audi cars." By the end of 2008, Audi once again burst lock quality. Audi owners have complained: Hold an Audi car's remote control, a few other vehicles can not use the remote control, door not locked. Audi's lock was known as "the most vulnerable parts of Audi" and "Ake Aurelius heel."

But noted that Toyota's gas pedal is not a Toyota vehicle production itself. In North America Sell Toyota car, the accelerator pedal from the U.S. CTS Corporation; in Europe, Toyota sold a gas pedal from the Czech company. This is a typical outsourcing production model, while the number of domestic Hardware It is this outsourcing business to do business.

The same as the world's leading large enterprises, I believe that the lock is not Audi Audi own production, just do not know Audi is not also the lock to the domestic outsourcing Car Lock Manufacturer. Audi's lock quality is not too high because the probability of failure has not caused widespread concern, but "the door Toyota recall" or to remind China as an outsourcing company car locks: Quality is the survival.

We do outsourcing enterprises should pay more attention to car locks product quality, Toyota's gas pedal to avoid such a tragedy. Originally competitiveness is not strong Chinese lock company encountered such an important issue once, it is difficult to continue production longer.

Automotive industry is a very high degree of market sectors, competition is extremely fierce. This automobile and parts of product quality have made very strict requirements. And the quality of motor vehicles and spare parts directly to the man's life, so it Management The doubly strict. Most car manufacturers have a very complete "recall system", and sometimes a small quality defects, we must recall the product along the whole vehicle to enable enterprises to suffer huge losses. Audi "car lock" just burst out when some experts pointed out: Audi Cross-open rate lock failed, remote control radio frequencies are set, all of which have are safety problems, if large numbers of such problems, Audi should also be recalled products.

Car locks in the lock industry in the midst of a rather special position. It seems quite far away from other metal industries, from automotive industry closer. In any case, it is also locks important member of the industry. Auto lock sales channels are special, you rarely see it in the market, as it generally only supply large-volume vehicle manufacturer, part of the supply Vehicle Maintenance Enterprises, and followed a large order.

Speaking of large orders, make sure the envy of other hardware companies. But this is only "looks beautiful." The bitterness inside the car only locks enterprises know. Here, experts on the car for us to interpret some of the features lock industry.

First, the car locks and different from the traditional sense Machinery Lock. Are generally radio-controlled car locks lock, it is clear that this impression than mechanical locks are much more complex. Therefore, the threshold for auto entry lock industry is relatively high. Second, the general automobile production scale of enterprises are large, so it is also a great demand for locks, and sometimes an order of demand will reach hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of pieces required lock companies have considerable capacity. Finally, and most important point: the auto industry very competitive, even if small parts of a quality problem, will be heavy losses, so car companies will usually purchase the car locks on the proposed near-stringent product quality requirements, absolutely can not tolerate any slack.

The above is not difficult to see past "hardware workshop" type of enterprise is not capable of producing automotive locks. So now most of the domestic auto locks are medium-sized enterprises for more than enterprise, little can be said that several companies are to survive the competition winners. They have some technology that can produce qualified automotive lock products; have a certain size, to meet the needs of large automobile companies in order; some channels are relatively fixed and can get a stable order of a car company . These are the salient features of automotive lock industry.

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