Village auto repair industry has a bright future, "money" passers

Recent period, the Central successively introduced a series of policies to stimulate domestic demand, including the "car to the countryside," This major move. Along with the various government incentives and rewards to the policy package introduced, including many types of farm vehicles, including affordable cars, is rushed to the village, changing the rural transportation, materials distribution lag conditions, and promote the health of the rural economy Industry Developing .

"Car to the countryside" policy of vigorously promoting will no doubt generate a lot of the countryside surrounding the transportation of motor vehicles, fuel supply, Service And other industries.

Village to village vehicle repair industry is the automobile, agricultural vehicle repair and maintenance services directly to customers face to face. Repair and maintenance less the relevant technical standards, employing easy to learn, training time is shorter; industry demand is not high capital investment is not; the current government policy environment, relaxed, low-cost payment; "car to the countryside" makes a lot of cars to the country , into their homes, vehicle maintenance, "point a small amount of thin," needs urgent … … Obviously, village auto repair industry will be a great development "money" way!

Well investigated to determine the size of

Rural parts of the economic, cultural, transportation quite different environmental conditions, which are endemic environmental conditions directly influence the auto repair industry, business sources, cash flow rate of the economy, about the operation of practical benefit. Therefore, before engaging in rural auto repair industry to the area of jurisdiction in the context of motor vehicles and related motor vehicle has a number, type, category to the extent necessary, while carrying on the transportation equipment business, where cargo throughput and out of the necessary number of surveys, but also on the area of rural roads and other transportation road condition survey, to examine the work of the damaged vehicle production forecast. According to the above, consider the scale of investment, to determine the function to set auto-repair business, size, and avoid blind investment, or repeated investment phenomenon.

Implement lot, careful site selection Auto repair business in rural areas, to careful site selection. In general, the auto repair shop to close to traffic arteries, select the traffic flow more "live" intersection. This location is convenient client-site repair, and it helps repair and service information dissemination, too. Of course, all these years of new rural construction is fast, set the auto repair shop in mind when contact with the local planning, prevention of traffic diversions, building relocation and unnecessary economic losses.

Pre-job training, security services

Auto repair industry is in the service sector are special areas for employees with certain technical requirements. For this reason, practitioners should carry out pre-job training, to get the necessary technical qualification certificates. Repair technician training can be graduated from the school's staff car, which can be engaged in driving or long-term engaged in automotive machine repair personnel, can also be used, "Communication Arts Mentoring" approach to internal training members. Skilled repairman, the level of the mark, not only can high-quality repair, "repeat", and that the savings in terms repair supplies, directly increase revenue.

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