Helpful Hints for Your Baby Skin Care Routine
There is more to baby skin care than most parents realize. Proper care of infant skin involves keeping the whole baby clean. It can take a newborn baby’s skin a few months to adjust to life in the outside world which is why a newborn baby is more prone to skin conditions. Practicing proper baby skin care means making smart choices throughout the day. Anything from your baby’s clothing to the soap that is used in his (or her) bath has the potential to affect his (or her) skin. Don’t worry too much though because practicing good skin care for your baby does not have to be difficult or complex. It can be very easy if you know how to use your common sense. Here are some tips to help you out as you get used to the new routine.
A baby’s bath does not need to last a long time. In fact, keeping your newborn in the bath for too long can actually be harmful! The bath need only be long enough to wet the baby down, soap him up and then rinse him off. After the bath is over, apply some light baby moisturizer or lotion and then towel dry off your baby’s skin. To ensure that rashes and yeast infections don’t develop make sure you dry your baby completely. If you’re doubtful of this just look at all of the folds and ripples in your baby’s skin; moisture can hide in all of those places! Make sure you use a soft towel! Don’t neglect something as simple as fresh air to keep your baby’s skin vibrant. Most parents can easily avoid most diaper rashes and other skin conditions simply by making sure the baby’s skin is exposed to a clean environment, since these problems usually stem from the skin being in contact with a moist diaper or enclosed in tight fitting clothes for too long. Something as simple as exposing your baby’s skin to fresh air will keep these problems from ever occurring. Tip: from time-to-time let your baby crawl around naked so the skin has a chance to be dry and soak up some clean air. Just choose a time when it is appropriate and give it a try. It’s your choice how often and for how long you decide to use this, start experimenting and you will soon start to see the difference in your baby’s skin.
During the first six months of your baby’s life you want to do everything you can to keep him or her out of direct sunlight because direct sunlight can prove too harsh for your baby’s skin, which will be very sensitive to light. After your baby is six months old the direct sunlight won’t be as big an issue but you still want to make sure that every milimeter of skin not covered with clothing or a hat is covered in strong baby friendly sunscreen.
You should also take extra precautions against sunlight with an umbrella and a hat. If your son or daughter does develop a sunburn (even with all of the precautions you have taken) you can treat it with a damp cool cloth a few times a day.
You have a lot of options to choose from to help you protect your child’s skin. Don’t forget that good skin care should start early in life so you should make sure that you develop a regular skin care routine as soon as possible.
Don’t forget to care for your baby’s whole body when you are putting together a baby skin care routine.
Author: Logan Baxter is a web designer and writer. Please visit his last website. He can help you look for the recommended bugaboo accessories you need. For information about bugaboo accessories check out his recent web-site regarding bugaboo prams.