China’s Shirt Industry Technology Development Trend Analysis

Man-made shirt in the design of a breakthrough on a few. Currently well-known brand men’s shirts have been more determined that these brand products and quality workmanship and foreign well-known brand is almost the same, its disadvantage lies in the design of a rather monotonous. For the little change in men’s shirts, the color of the application and collar type of change is crucial, at this point, domestic manufacturers need to further study.

Recently, a new generation DP Youngor iron-free fine cotton shirts marked its non-iron technology has achieved further enhanced. As early as 1996, the Youngor pioneered HP iron-free finishing of cotton shirts, then also applied VP iron-free treatment process to achieve a more comfortable ironing-free results, followed by the successful launch of the nano-+ VP-free ironing shirts.

The current cotton iron-free technology There are two main categories, namely, iron-free fabric (SSP) and clothing-free ironing, while the garment-free iron can be divided into three types: resin soaking method (HP garment processing), VP gas processing method (VP garment processing), DP-free iron approach (DP garment processing).

SSP is a fabric in the production process for iron-free treatment, and then in a specified time, the temperature within the cutting, sewing, and a “hot air into shape.” SSP process using the system to do clothes, are generally purchased through the SSP method to process the fabric after the specified period of time sewing and hot air shape. This approach is characterized by stereotyped to be hot, otherwise ineffective, and the SSP of the anti-wrinkle performance slightly inferior to HP and VP, both the fabric and sewing on a difficult match with the line of good grasp of color and fabric varieties greatly limited.

HP Iron-free period – the traditional iron-free approach

HP is the untreated fabric sewn garments, the use of resin-based iron-free liquid to soak, and then after the high-temperature shape after washing. HP technology, including cotton cloth for the entire process in general can be used for garment processing. SSP and the VP are Japan’s patented technology.

Iron-free approach to the principle refers to the fabric or garment at a certain temperature and pressure, through the fiber and resin solution, the reactions generated within the fiber cross-linking, resulting in fibers of structural change and shape memory to achieve the effect of free iron.

The HP-free treatment for clothing iron to achieve a certain effect of free iron, generally after repeated washing, its free iron levels in three or so. But the weakness of HP Process shirt garments after two dehydration, drying and other complicated process, the fabric strength of heavy damage, but also reduces the stiffness of the original level.

VP-free iron approach – to create a new concept of cotton-free iron craft

VP processing refers to “gas deal Act,” the role of additives by high-pressure steam, in the specified period of time after the additive to promote the further penetration of spray material, so that cotton fiber volume created between molecules hooked sequence of contact , so that structural changes of cotton fibers and memory shape to achieve the wrinkle-free results; and then steam-cleaning of clothing to remove the residual auxiliaries. This technique fully retains the characteristics of cotton fiber — natural, feels soft, breathable, moisture, dirt repellent, good color fastness, abrasion resistance, etc., is free of iron products to upgrade a typical product, created a Cotton iron-free process new concepts.

VP is a U.S. patented technology. Youngor Group ATP exclusively from the U.S. introduction of technology and equipment, has developed a VP shirt and nano-VP-free ironing shirts two national key new products, and that the two products have become the dominant Youngor market products, welcomed by consumers and has achieved good economic benefits.

VP iron-free treatment method has many advantages:

1, VP processing method is a chemical method, through the spray and high-pressure fumigation, so that chemical reaction of additives with the fabric fibers to form the best “non-resin” association, so that cotton to maintain long-lasting form of perfect;

2 pairs of clothing for the whole deal, in the spray state, all-pervasive gas, so that fabric and cloth, thread and other accessories at the same time a balanced manner have been addressed, it will not because of their differences arising between the telescopic appearance and inner quality of problem;

3, science and technology-oriented operating processes. VP treatment is the use of computer control for different fabrics, to design the optimum process procedures, equipment, a high degree of automation for mass production.

DP-free iron approach – a pioneering new technology

DP Technology is the first of its kind to avoid ironing cotton shirt new technology, its production equipment and to avoid ironing aids need to be imported from abroad, and the surface is equipped with excipients also “tailor-made” in. Youngor’s technical staff through numerous experiments, using various parts of clothing style handling, baking and other types of technology, instead of a one-time high temperature in the baking machine stereotyped ways in which fiber cross-linking between molecules correctly memory, washed flatness of its 3.5 higher than the international standard, almost no formaldehyde.

The traditional additive-free ironing major components of resin contains aldehyde, at a certain temperature would evaporate out of formaldehyde, in the iron-free treatment of the clothing high formaldehyde content is difficult to control 75PPM (national standard) The following, so that finished product does not meet environmental requirements.

The DP shirt with the following five characteristics:

1, excellent anti-wrinkle nature: Since the fiber is formed by several molecular “cross-link,” accurately “remember” the relationship between the location of each other, so washing 20 times, clothing wrinkle-free ironing capability can reached 3.5, the level of anti-wrinkle-free ironing basically not affected, and we usually wore the ordinary cotton shirts in conformity with national standards under the premise of its anti-wrinkle after washing capacity can reach 2;

2, feeling fullness: Because in the process added a soft cotton fiber additives, so that even after treatment shirts feel soft and plump;

3, comfortable and breathable: The DP treatment, the high count cotton shirt, the fabric does not leave any resin, allow sufficient gaps between the yarn, cotton fibers remain unique to the fine air permeability;

4, good gloss: DP-free iron by a specific Pressing ironing machine for clothing to avoid pressure hot processing, Pressing cloth, after the gloss is more than any other ordinary cotton shirts well;

5, Health and Environmental Protection: The Committee of Experts identified Youngor DP shirt on health and environmental protection on the overall performance leader in the domestic and international advanced level of the column, is a harmless green products, environmental protection parameters is better than the national standard;

DP iron-free fine cotton shirt is Youngor Following the successful development of a HP shirt, VP-free ironing shirts, nano-VP-free ironing shirts and a series of national key new product after another, a high-value-added shirts, DP technology to become the subject The cotton industry’s attention-free ironing of new technologies.

VP method is very much at home and abroad advanced iron-free approach, but it is best suited to deal with, or CVC, etc. based fabrics. For high-count cotton worsted fabric, after VP treatment, it is not washed flatness is very good, generally only reach about 3.5. How to further improve the high-count cotton shirt iron-free ability to create a new generation of fine iron-free shirts, has been Youngor a new round of development and research priorities. Technology development through the tireless efforts of staff, Youngor finalized high-count cotton shirt iron-free approach, and from abroad, the introduction of new machinery and equipment, DP iron-free fine cotton shirt successfully born, has entered mass production phase.

Iron-free garment production and processing and garment production are normal differences, mainly reflected in the fabric and craft. First, face a different choice of accessories: ordinary clothes can use a variety of fabric production in iron-free cotton shirts DP the face of domestic white-collar workers as the main consumer groups, the choice of fabrics generally high-count combed cotton-based. As the DP iron-free shirt deal with various process parameters on the surface accessories have some damage, so the fabrics, as well as various accessories matching requirements are very high technical specifications. Secondly, the different processes: for example, post-processing technique shirts DP complex than the average increase of more than a dozen working procedure shirt.

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