Traveling in India – Important Advices and Tips
Traveling to India for the first time is nothing less than an enlightening experience. And, we aren’t just talking about the spiritual part. It’s a holistic understanding of the ways of life in the most diverse country in Asia. When you are in India travelling is not about destinations and adventure trips, rather it is a comprehensive understanding of her culture, her heritage and her age old traditions.
What follows now is an acceptance of the ways, by respecting the differences and adapting to the customs, even if it for a very short period of time. Once this is done, the rest of your trip will go smoothly and with the least of unwanted occurrences.
As with every country, India travel advice also includes a number of basic tips and guidelines like the kind of dressing required for particular seasons and the items that a traveler must carry on their trip, apart from currency, visa, transportation system and the likes.
Here lies the catch. While in India traveling includes remembering the small little details about your itinerary like the route you would prefer to follow so that you get a suitable conveyance to reach your destination in the safest and quickest way possible. Avoiding the office hours during weekdays is an important tip that you may want to keep in mind if you wish to stay out of the traffic jams. Don’t let a long queue of vehicles block your way to your favored location!
Having said that, a good way to relish what a destination truly has to offer would be to try and visit it during off seasons. For instance, if you’re used to long winters and comparatively cooler weather, it will not be a problem at all to visit the hill stations in India during winter months. In fact, it has a twin advantage. Apart from not having to worry about comfortable clothing, it is also allows you to feel the confound serenity that encompasses its visitors.
Also, you need to have a clear understanding of your next stopover, whether it’s for a midway relaxation or the travel destination you have planned subsequently. Now, the important consideration is that of your sources of information. An option would be to get hold of tourist maps and books published by the tourism department of the respective states. However, these inanimate objects may not be able to assist you completely at times. And, it is here where a registered travel guide can really help you out. Or, you can also enquire from the hotel or lodge you’ve put up in to get first hand information about that particular location.
Experiences of travelers and their suggestions available in any of the India Travel blog can also be a good source of information for the first time travelers.
Finally, plan your tour keeping your financial resources in mind. For that you may need to maintain a rough record of your expenses so that you can travel accordingly without worries of budget crunches.
Arushi Sharma has deep interest in writing informative articles on Travel and Tourism India. Also given her words to a portal for India Travel Advice where one can find info on India Traveling.