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XiongJianJun yacht dock Nike Shox Sale and 500 metres from a badlands, the middle one is, a winding gravel road, want to sit JunShan boat rides to yueyang city from, we must start from the dock cover this distance, this is a lot of tourists don’t willing to take one reason the yacht. The main reason for the franchise business impact or lack of water. JunShan scenic spot to a waterway and highway, about every year in March, dongting lake began to rise water, roads submerged, can rely on deliveries, but so far this year, the water from JunShan island and several kilometers away.

XiongJianJun is a native of YueYangRen, in Cheap Nike Shox the lake district has been living with for more than 40 years, so dry conditions, he still met for the first time. “This time last year, the lake have been to dock, and now only the water level in November.” XiongJianJun introduction, March 4 Japan should be speedboat chi-mates days, but the lake without water, opening time delayed until March 26, however, only after a few days of the operations, Nike Shox Running Shoes because of the shallowness of the water, and he shall not be endlessly 5 genius to operations.

“51” little long holiday, is originally tourist season, and the water is shallow XiongJianJun but because waterway rest again. Some Nike Shox Shoes time ago xiangjiang river rose slightly a little water resumed operations and the boat. Although resumed operations, but it is not optimistic. “Now with the tourists less compared to last year more than half.” XiongJianJun said that most visitors know dongting lake, drought and take that boat cancelled the car. Some passengers don’t believe speedboat can reach, he usually JunShan hassle to visitors to explain, convince them by ship.

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