Using Lasers for Hair Removal
We are all tired of spending our precious time shaving, waxing, and plucking. Soon, these methods will be wiped out by laser hair removal. However, there are more factors to consider aside from big discounts offered by some spas and salons. Beforehand, a dermatologist or plastic surgeon should be consulted to evaluate your skin for possible reactions to laser treatment.
Negative side effects appear with greater probability in darker or tanned skin. It is best that the doctor has handled cases similar to yours. No inch of the body is immune to the effects of laser hair removal. With laser therapy, concentrated light decimates the hair follicles under the skin during its growth phase.
At any one time hairs can be found in different phases, and for this reason, depending on hair type and body part targeted, four to 10 treatments are usually needed, with sessions spaced four to six weeks apart. It has been observed that treatments required are fewer when skin is fair and hair is dark and coarse. A successful course of treatment disables 90 per cent of the hair follicles in the treated area. Touch ups are needed once every few years to take care of the other 10 per cent.
When hairs grow back after treatment, they are fine-textured things one can abide by. Darker hair responds better, but there is hope for eliminating the light, thin, peach fuzz that many women struggle with on their faces. There is a prescription cream that slows the growth of facial hair and also decreases the number of laser treatments necessary to eliminate all facial hair, as discovered by the American Academy of Dermatology.
Some pain comes with the territory, and it is said to feel like a rubber band snap. Chilling the area or applying a topical anesthetic can help ease the pain. Adverse reactions occur more often from topical anesthetic applied beyond the target area, and this is why only a dermatologist or plastic surgeon should be trusted with laser therapy.
Only a few minutes are needed for a smaller area, but bigger areas can take hours for each session. A single treatment for an area can cost $200, whereas a series would be $1,200. Doctor’s orders will be given to you allowing or prohibiting certain things before and after therapy.
Thirty days before treatment begins, one should swear off tanning, including self-tanners. Don’t tweeze, wax or use electrolysis. Hair in the follicle is needed, as it was previously explained that laser therapy is meant to destroy the follicle. When it comes to shaving, it can be done a day before, as it leaves some hair in the follicle. A touch of sun can do great damage to post-treatment skin, and it should be avoided at all costs. SPF30 will help you when you do need to go out, and you should never skip it.
As for the cost per region, on average, it is $200 per treatment or $1,200 for the whole package. Guidelines will be given to you on what you can and cannot do before and after treatment.
Obtain further advice on ipl hair removal and the subject of laser hair removal.Visit our site on laser hair removal adelaide for more resources on laser hair removal.