U.S. Southern States invasion of oil-round coastal – china Color Steel Panel – c

On the 10th, the Gulf "deep horizon" large-scale oil spill of crude oil began to attack the United States Southern States coast. In the United States government dispatched helicopters and other heavy military equipment to check oil, while BP also quickly sum up the previous failures, try new ways to control oil spills.
According to U.S. media reports, the oil slick and tar balls have been attacks from the Mississippi River west of the west, east to Alabama, Dauphin Island coastline. In Luyisian
Grand Island, Arizona, staff spent a dump truck, military jeep, excavators and other equipment to strengthen the "fortifications." United States National Guard sent "Black Hawk" helicopters put sandbags and bulldozers dams, check into the coastal wetlands to the state of the oil passage. At the same time, engineers also use the pump and the local flood control facilities, water from the Mississippi River, kick struck the oil.
Flood control facilities in Louisiana coastal areas the establishment of the Mississippi River to the introduction of water-rich sediments, reconstruction of the local wetlands. Reconstruction of the state wetlands program aims to save thousands of hectares of local wetland. These wetlands are Yuxia Xie and other places where live animals lay eggs, their ecological and cultural values of great significance to local residents.
Since the "Deep Horizon" rig after the explosion, into the Gulf of Mexico has been more than 4 million gallons of crude oil. BP estimates that oil spills will continue for several weeks or even longer. If the leaks continue unabated intensity, the total amount of oil leakage in the June 20 record after new record in American history.
At present, the British oil companies have oil spill incident in the 3.5 billion dollars into pollution control and rehabilitation costs. Analysts generally believe that the company will end up spending billions of dollars.
Before this huge resistance than expected oil cover does not work, eager to control the leakage of crude oil began to try other means of BP. Staff to use remote control submarine spraying chemicals to spill point, in order to dilute the spill. According to reports, after British Petroleum spraying chemicals on the marine ecological environment has conducted two tests, has received the consent of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. 10, the official start spraying will continue until the 11th morning. However, the EPA said the pollution effects of chemical agents is still uncertain.
Resistance in running the oil giant's efforts to cover after the failure of BP's engineering staff began to try to cover a small block oil. This small block oil cover weighs 2 tons, with huge overlays it with water through the double pipe connected to oil ship, the staff can spot during its sinking into the warm water and methanol, to prevent accumulation of ice crystals inside cover.
Control the oil leak as another short-term measure, the British oil company also began to leak by placing golf balls, tires and other debris to plug the leak point. If these measures are effective, leak oil will be filled with mud and cement, was eventually abandoned.
Haywood, president of BP media, this is the United States and the largest oil and gas industry, involves the most extensive oil spill control actions. Previously, these measures have never been a depth of 1 mile over the sea floor.

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