Dealing With Others

In all application of magnetism to folks, you are asked to remember that your very first objective, at all times and preeminently, is an adequate feeling within their minds. You should never try to induce a person to act your way until you have thoroughly identified in him a great feeling toward yourself. This is the beginning initial step. When such a condition has been secure, you are then ready for the magnetic ambush and then only.

When you are dealing with other people, endeavoring magnetically to win them to your desire, you should summon the general magnetic feeling within yourself, will them to do as you need, and at the same time think of them as already consenting and acting. Your inner condition should be perfectly gentle, buoyant, hopeful, whatever the external means employed, your mind must be focused upon the thing desired, and its act should be thought of as now secure. The response of the person may be delayed, but this should not discourage you, for some minds do not take ideas fast, and they do not act without delay upon their own thought. It is perpetually best to encourage people to trust that they are acting on their personal drive or judgment; they will have to be made to feel properly free, not at all coerced, and that they are doing their own will rather than yours absolutely because they wish so to do.

We may summarize all these suggestions in the words of a distinguished scientific writer:

“Life is not a bully who swaggers out into the open universe, upsetting the laws of energy in all directions, but rather a consummate strategist, who, sitting in his secret chamber over his wires, directs the movements of a great army.” This is a good description of magnetism.

The success-magnetism assumption: We are now ready for the great assumption-principle of magnetism in applied life.

Think of every plan as already reached, of each undertaking as already achieved.

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