Chu said the U.S. natural gas reserves could double – china Steel Structure Buil
6 U.S. Energy Secretary, said Steven Chu, thanks to progress in drilling technology, the U.S. natural gas reserves may be doubled.
Steven Chu, U.S. Department of Energy that day to attend a conference sponsored by Intelligence Bureau, said that technologies such as hydraulic fracturing have made progress in the field of natural gas reserves of the United States increased at least 30%, and "may have to double." Although the final reserves yet to be confirmed, but no doubt increase natural gas reserves is important, because "natural gas to renewable energy development in the United States, the process of transition as the fuel."
Hydraulic fracturing is a point to pump high-pressure liquid underground rock formations causing cracks, oil and gas output in order to achieve the purpose of a technology.
U.S. Department of Energy Information Agency data showed that, as at the end of 2008, the U.S. has proven natural gas reserves of approximately 6.9 trillion cubic meters.
Chu said that in order to reduce dependence on foreign oil and slow climate change, the United States is developing a variety of technologies will have a major impact, such as clean coal technology, carbon capture technology and small module reactor technology, the U.S. government has clean coal and carbon capture technology to invest 40 billion, private-sector investment has reached 70 billion U.S. dollars.
Chu said that compared with conventional nuclear reactors, the reactor has many advantages of small modules, if successfully commercialized, will be the U.S. nuclear industry, new options.
Submitted to Congress in early February of 2011, the government fiscal year budget report, the U.S. president Barack Obama has allocated 39 million U.S. dollars required to finance a small module reactor project.
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