Fix Your Acne Today!
Not having good skin is a pain. Personal hygiene has nothing to do with acne problems–something that a lot of people have yet to accept. Eventually every single adult will have to deal with acne.
There is no single cause for acne, which is the reason that everybody gets it. Adult acne is not always as severe as teenage acne but it is more embarrassing so learning how to properly care for your skin is just one of things you have to do as a grown up. Keep reading to learn some tips to keep your skin clean and free of acne.
Keep your hair away from your face.
All day long your hair follicles produce oil which makes its way into your hair and then, if you are not careful, onto your face and into your pores. If you have long hair that spends most of the day hanging in your face, the oil is easily transferred from follicle to pore which is how pimples are made. We understand the appeal of long hair and bangs, but it is better to keep your hair off of your face. This is easiest when you wear a headband or pull your hair into a ponytail or braid. Your face will thank you!
Keep your hands off your face. Most people don’t realize how much time their hands spend on their faces every day. Letting your face rest in your hands is just one way to clog your pores. Think about this. Each time you touch an object and then touch your face you are placing little pieces of that object into your pores. If you make a habit of resting your face on your hands then the oil that is on your hands is going straight into the pores on your face. This is one of the best ways for flu germs to travel–a sick person uses an object and then puts it down, leaving some germs behind so that when you then use the same object the germs are transferred to your hands and then later to your face when you touch your face with your hands! So keep your hands off of your face.
If you find that you can’t help but touch your face, make sure that your hands are always clean! Keep those hands clean by washing them throughout the day!
You might already have the perfect remedy in your kitchen or bathroom. Did you know that toothpaste might be able to cure pimples? Squeeze some toothpaste onto a pimple or zit after it has formed and leave it on overnight. The zit should be much smaller in the morning (do not try this if you have pets who might try to lick the toothpaste off of your face while you sleep, doing so could make them sick). Egg whites are also supposed to be fantastic cleansers and pimple reducers. Either make a face mask from the egg whites and leave it on over night or dab some egg white onto a pimple with a q-tip.
Treat your acne in whatever way works best for you. The range of acne treating options ranges from the totally natural to the harshly chemical. Believe it or not there are even some people who are able to cure their acne with diet and exercise. You might not find the perfect acne remedy right away so don’t be afraid to try different things. It shouldn’t take too long before you discover the acne remedy that works best for you. Keep trying and before you know it your skin will be acne free!
About the author: Andreia Alves is a web designer and writer. Please visit his last website. He can assist you choose the best acne products for you. For details about top acne products go to his recent website about blue light acne treatment.