Start thinking: an apple three kinds of business

Collection: 2009 make money Daquan Have such a real thing: go hand in hand with the three young men go out and seek opportunities to make a fortune. In a remote town, they found a large red, sweet apple flavor. As the mountain is located, information, transportation are developed, this high-quality apples sold only in local, very cheap prices.

First give everything a young man once, purchased 10 tons of the best apples, back home, two times higher than the original price of the sale. This round-trip several times, he became the first million home users.

Young man spent the second half of the money to buy the 100 best apple seedlings, back home, contracted a hill, the young fruit tree planting, the first three years did not earn a penny on.

Third young man found the orchard owner, with a dollar bought one kind of tree soil. He took it to the soil, returned home, sent to earth, Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, laboratory analysis of the various components of soil, humidity. Then he contracted a shortage of hills, with a full three years, cultivated and nurtured and that the soil as the soil. Then he planted the apple trees at the top.

10-year later, the three partnering with the fate of young people to go outside to get rich very different. The first to purchase Apple's young people are still continue to buy apples every year, transported back to sales, but because of local information and transportation have been well developed, too many competitors, so little money earned each year. The second young man to buy seedlings already have their own orchards, but because of the different soils, long out of Apple some less, but still can make a considerable profit. The third young man to buy soil, he planted a large apple delicious, and the original Apple par with many competing every autumn attracted buyers.

The same product, why show different market sales and profits is due to the operation ideology of the market, "processing" of the depth of different decisions. Commodities in the open market, because operators always know the limitations of thinking, so often tasted, it will leave a lot of market opportunities, who is good at the "previous" start-stop place to conduct "deep processing" will likely to win the market.

Today, many companies are hard to find great market. This often is limited to some level of market observation. In fact, the people's needs indefinitely, the decision of the market is multi-layered, infinite. As long as good people along the actual product or its potential for further observation needs to conduct market "deep processing", the new market will suddenly now before us.

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