Sun Exposure – The Good and The Bad Facts

Most people believe that all sun rays are harmful.The ultraviolet rays of the sun provide the human body with vitamin D.Some people stay out of the sun because of UV rays which can be harmful to the skin. However,avoiding sunlight altogether can cause health problems.People who don’t have enough vitamin D in their bodies can develop vitamin D deficiency.This disease causes brittle bones, inflammation,and rickets in children.It is a good idea to research and find out the benefits as well as the detriments of vitamin D.


There are more benefits to sun exposure than there are dangers.Getting some sun has been shown to have a positive effect on ones mental health.Being outside on a sunny day brings great joy and comfort to some.It is also a fact that only a small amount of time in the sun is needed to get the vitamin D your body requires.

In order to get all the great vitamin D (interesting to know is that the Danish term is D vitamin) your body needs,you will have to expose yourself to UVA rays. The UVA rays in sunlight carry vitamin D,this is why some people refer to them as the vitamin D bringers. Vitamin D is vital for bone tissue regeneration.Those without enough vitamin D in their bodies can look forward to weaker bones that easily break due to a lack of calcium.Also,moderate sun exposure has been shown to prevent colon,breast and prostate cancer.


Even though sunlight is good for you,sunblock should always be worn to prevent burning or over exposure. By wearing sunblock you can protect yourself from harmful UVB rays.UVB rays are considered bad sunlight.They do not carry vitamin D.However,they do injure cells,thin your blood vessels and cause your skin to flake.People who expose themselves to these kinds of rays can also develop liver spots(dark spots throughout the skin which can sometimes lead to skin cancer).One particular type of skin cancer caused by UVB rays is basal cell carcinoma.Although this type of cancer is considered malignant and rarely kills,it can cause one to become disfigured. Eighty percent of cases are found on the head and the neck.This is thought to be due to people not putting sunblock on their necks or not wearing caps when exposed to the sun for long periods of time. Too much sun exposure can also lead to premature aging of the skin.This can manifest itself in the form of wrinkles.To better protect your skin from sun damage you should make sure to wear a high level of sunscreen.It is also recommended that you avoid sunbathing or sitting in the sun between the hours of 11am to 3pm.During this time of the day the sun is at its hottest.It is suggested that if at all possible you stay indoors at this time of day.Whenever the sun is out it is recommended that you wear a sunscreen of at least SPF 30 to protect your skin.

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