Sons of Anarchy Seasons 1-3
Sons of Anarchy DVD is an American television drama series created by Kurt Sutter about the lives of a close-knit outlaw motorcycle club operating in Charming, a fictional town in Northern California. The show centers on protagonist Jackson “Jax” Teller (Charlie Hunnam), the Vice President of the club who begins questioning the club and himself. Sons of Anarchy premiered on September 3, 2008 on cable network FX. Its second season debuted on September 8, 2009, and its third season began on September 7, 2010.
Speaking of Stahl, Gemma kidnaps her at gunpoint for a minute to interrogate her about her deal with Jax. When Stahl won’t give up the details, Gemma threatens to tell the U.S. Attorney that Stahl wrote her statement for her unless she agrees to abandon the deal, and then lets her go. You know, because of how Stahl loves doing what she’s told.
Unser gets together with Clay and they agree that once they find Salazar they need to keep him alive so he can rat out Hale and keep the sheriffs from taking over Charming. This promptly goes to shit once we see that Salazar has taken Tara to Hale’s office to play hostage with the both of them. Once the cops, sheriffs, FBI and the ATF arrive on the scene, Stahl quickly figures out that the place only has two exits — naturally, she agrees to cover the back one, so she and Jax can do covert/corrupt stuff on their own without being seen by the authorities.
Inside, Salazar offers a trade: Tara for Jax, and when the FBI says that’s not protocol, Stahl just lets Jax in the back door. Salazar decides he’s going to kill Tara in front of Jax before he kills him, too, and Hale finally does something useful and stabs Salazar in his side with a Bic pen (like a gangsta!). Salazar runs, Jax chases, and after Salazar starts hacking at him with a fire ax, Jax offers him a deal: Jax will let him go if he swears to rat out Hale. Salazar agrees and lowers his awesome ax… which is when Jax just starts stabbing the shit out of him with a hunting knife. Bye, Salazar.