Proven Skin Care Strategies for Different Skin Type
It’s a fact that there are many approaches to skin care for all skin types that really do work well. You will figure it out pretty quickly if you have mismatched your skin type with a product that isn’t right. Be sure you choose products that are clearly labeled to be used for your skin type. It is so important to make sure your body and skin, therefore, properly hydrated. Skin will get proper hydration also from plenty of fluids in your diet.
If you’ve dealt with oily skin most of your life we know how frustrated you must be. We’ve all tried the tried and true methods to no avail only to eventually resort to super strength skin cleansers to remove every last drop of oil from our faces. Doing this can cause the opposite of what you are trying to accomplish, your oil glands may start to over produce more of the oil because your face is dried out from over cleansing. Get into the habit of exfoliating your skin at least once each week, whether your skin is dry or oily. As you may know, it is important to help your skin remove all the dead skin cells that accumulate. There are many approaches including over the counter products as well as homemade natural exfoliating concoctions. The latter can work just as well if not better than what you buy. Some women like using what are called microdermabrasion kits, and some of the feedback has been very good. If you do good and proper exfoliation your skin will start to look healthy, smooth out and even begin to look radiant.
Because out tap water in the US contains chlorine, fluoride and other chemicals it’s best not to use it to wash your face. Instead try using a filtered or purified water to wash your face. The chlorine in tap water can seriously irritate very dry skin, and that is what you want to avoid. Other possible alternatives would be to use cleaning solutions that do not contain alcohol or harsh chemicals.
Your face and your body both need to have the right products for their skin type no matter what that type might be. If you are just getting started with your skin care program, or for some reason need to change products, then you will most likely find that you have to experiment a little before finding the ideal skin products for your type. This should not be a matter of contention for you, don’t let it get you down. After you’ve kissed a few frogs you’ll find the perfect one for your skin and then you can stick to it.
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