Design Your Notepads with Free High Quality Resources
Do not leave your custom notepad printing bare. If you want to impress people with your full color notepads, you should add a lot of customized design elements to project your personality and professional philosophy in each of your notes and prints.
The great thing though about this is that you can actually do this for free. In this special guide, I will teach you precisely how to design your custom notepad printing with high quality and FREE resources. Let me detail for you each kind of notepad design element that you need and of course the locations where you can get their types for free.
1. Free notepad templates from printers – Notepad templates will allow you to make your color notepads more standardized and ready for professional printing. Moreover, it allows you to setup your design draft a lot easier and faster since most of the important settings have already been set in a template. That is why it is highly recommended that you also get notepad templates. Fortunately for you, there are tons of free resources for notepad templates. Here are just some of the resources that you should watch out for.
2. Free banner/letterhead templates from design sites – People always put up a kind of banner or letterhead templates on the top part of their custom notepad. This becomes the main design feature of most color notepads, and of course is the one that requires most of your attention and customization. Luckily for you, you can actually get free banner and letterhead templates for design sites. These should allow you to setup a great letterhead design quickly and integrate it directly to your custom notepads. Here are some sites that you can go for in this situation.
3. Free font styles for text info and signatures – Of course, you will probably need a few specific and creative font styles for your notepad designs. This font can be used as part of the text information in your letterhead, or maybe even the signatures and contact information for the footer of your full color notepad. The good news here is that there are actually tons of great and free font sites out there where you can actually download free and creative font styles. Here are just some of the sites that you can visit for this.
4. Free images and graphics for your layouts – sometimes, you might like to have image or graphic watermarks and accents within and around your custom notepad layouts. This adds a lot more personality and of course a more interesting finish to your prints. Fortunately, there are also tons of great free sites where images can easily be acquired for use in notepads. Here is a small list of the best that you can go for.
5. Free design applications if you don’t have one – Finally, if you do not have a design application that will help you create your notepad design, do not be worried. There are actually a lot of free design applications out there that allow you to actually develop a design for your notepads. Here is the best list that should get you under way with this problem.
Good! With these free resources, you can now design any kind of custom notepad layout all for free! Just go through the great free resources above and you should have little trouble.