The Far reaching Unsafe Problems Due to Obesity

Dozens of years of investigation and medical expertise have shown how much obesity is damaging to health. The costs to society in the US is staggering and approaches several hundred billion dollars every year. What seems contradictory is the billions that are also spent on weight loss products on a yearly basis. If you look around you it is noticeable most people are overweight or perhaps officially regarded as obese. Several culprits that only intensify this state of affairs are companies that manufacture ready-made foods and unhealthy drinks. Many folks are aware of the prevalence of high calorie fats and sugars evident in many types of junk food and drinks. We will talk about some of the negative implications to health caused by obesity.

Type 2 diabetes as a result of obesity has been growing at an alarming rate in recent times. What is now even more scary is the rising incidence of this condition in young people who are also seriously overweight. The place of obesity in this illness is to produce elevated resistance to the hormone, insulin. There is little question that years of eating high sugar content meals and drinks plays a significant role. For a long time, various alerts have been made regarding the use of high fructose corn syrup in most soft drinks and other popular beverages. There is merely no comparison between high fructose corn syrup and processed sugar.

Common issues concerning joints are seen to occur in highly obese people. Obviously the bottom extremeties bear the greatest stress, and so it makes sense that obese people have hip and knee joint difficulties. When the joints experience so much wear and tear, they will produce other serious complications such as arthritis. Patients with extreme weight problems do not always make for the best prospects for artificial joints. While millions of people get joint replacements, there is a higher chance for good results with usual weight conditions. Certainly only a medical professional can make the final decision for those with abnormal weight problems. There are particular risks built in if surgery occurs simply because of the mechanics of the overall situation. The increased weight may actually cause the joint being loose that may further damage adjoining bone.

There is greater risk for acquiring blood pressure complications when a person is obese. It seems that almost every major function in the body is challenged. The reason for this as it pertains to the cardiovascular system is the excess fat tissue still necessitates blood for nutrition and oxygen. It all leads back to the heart obviously because that is what moves the blood. Not interestingly, one’s heart must generate significant amounts of pressure to keep all that tissue oxygenated. There is also an increase in the pulse rate as it functions in response to all that requirement.

It is extremely obvious that obesity is a situation that seriously impacts all capabilities of the body. There are many more equally dangerous conditions that can easily be a consequence of an overweight condition.

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