CRC Zhang Jing: IPTV problems facing the development of analysis and response

Actively promote the joint development of comprehensive consideration?? IPTV Problems facing the development of analysis and response Tianjin Branch of China Railcom

ZHANG Jing IPTV is interactive Network TV (Interactive Personal TV), set the Internet, multimedia, communications and many other

  Kind of technology, and use of broadband Cable television Network, to home users, including Digital TV Including a variety of interactive services. It features interactive and real-time. Through IPTV services, users can get high-quality digital media services, are free to choose broadband IP network video, media providers and media to achieve substantive interaction of consumers, to provide users with home entertainment, Train Consulting Information Services, Advertising Services such as the application.

IPTV in China there is not much time, but its development speed is frightening, and major telecommunications Operation Companies have varying degrees of IPTV business in a lot of work, no doubt has become a focus of concern of the industry. IPTV is different from traditional cable television, but also different from the digital television, it is the second broadband Streaming Media Business, Internet, broadband, a new bright spot. IPTV services into the telecom operators in the Internet business on the new profit growth point, a tap the commercial potential of existing broadband networks a new way. Currently, telecom operators launch IPTV service has many problems can not be ignored.

Telecom operators lack sufficient experience in video operations, and content providers need to find a workable business model of cooperation. Traditional telecom services operating model can be called "homegrown" approach; in new IPTV service mode, separation mode Zeyi sales mainly from the network and platform operators, from the content and application service providers , Sell Revenue from the operators and content providers into consultations. Telecommunications operators and content of transformation as an integrated telecommunications operator, to provide comprehensive services to end users. In this transformation process, the key is how to coordinate the telecom operators and content providers relationship between the interests of this related to the IPTV business operations of the success or failure.

Telecom operators have complete access network, the potential customer base and smooth the charge channel, without the content providers to provide high quality programming, the user will not attention to IPTV. And not content providers rich content, IPTV will not attract the general user. IPTV is facing a huge consumer groups, the quantity, type and quality of content in high demand. For telecom operators, the effective way is with a large media group at home and abroad to cooperate to get the rich content. The face of the diversity of user needs, will certainly specifically for the birth of a number of IPTV Make Content companies or organizations, while producing a reasonable business model to protect the contents of the company's survival and development of the whole IPTV industry chain in order to ensure sustainable Health Development. Telecom operators need to integrate the whole industrial chain, industrial chain of the parties to establish a win-win business model. Telecom operators can take to buy the content after the content providers themselves Operate The model can also be taken into, or to cooperate with telecom operators from the content providers to rent the resources provided by the contents The supplier Business content model. Carriers to seek a collaboration with content providers and the establishment of a reasonable model of cooperation will be the operating carrier to obtain the video one of the key success factors.

Present, most domestic customers for the majority of cable TV households, charge a small monthly fee. How to attract users to pay to watch this part of the program, how to deal with the direct cable operators Competition Telecommunications carriers operating IPTV business must be considered. In the competition, telecom operators how to play to their advantage to provide a variety of value-added end-user applications is key to competition. Telecom operators can operate using a variety of modes, full interactive IPTV service features, to make up for the disadvantages in terms of content.

First rich content, using on-demand manner, at reasonable rates to provide users with personalized service. IPTV to the Internet for communications-oriented business and content-oriented television business combination, the main advantage of IPTV is the interaction with the natural, to consumers at all levels to provide personalized content. IPTV to meet different consumer groups, consumers of different ages with different needs, so that consumers can freely on demand, free to watch. How to provide personalized content service IPTV service providers must carefully consider.

Second telecom operators should be bundled with Internet services, offering customers video communications, information services, network Game And other value-added services, enhance the value of IPTV business APRU. China's telecom operators, IPTV is a new area, operators lack sufficient operational experience, in this case, the IPTV as a single business to users and can not be effective in attracting users. Carriers requires the use of large telecom customer base, take full advantage of a variety of telecommunications services have the advantage of the implementation of IPTV services bundled with traditional telecom services business model, a preferential tariff policies to attract more users to help speed up the user awareness of the IPTV business, accelerate the pace of IPTV business promotion. The deployment of IPTV services from abroad situation, the foreign telecom operators to launch IPTV service bundled with the general approach to voice, high-speed data and IPTV services bundled together to provide to the user. This operating mode on the one hand to meet the users of consumer psychology, to maintain or even increase user loyalty, the other hand, can greatly enhance the operator's stand-alone ARPU. Operation by way of bundled services will not only help operators profit from their IPTV service, while protecting the existing voice, and data services. Bundled services to business than a single IPTV services to create higher ARPU. Because the bundled service allows users to customize in a carrier, where more services, the services of each individual to pay a relatively small cost, this will not only attract new users to network, you can greatly reduce the transfer of existing users net rate, in an increasingly competitive telecommunications industry, the operator is much desired thing.

Third, should provide information exchange platform that allows users to watch Broadcasting Program process, the participation of content providers in the exchanges. For example: Users

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