U.S. medical reform new business opportunities related industries – U.S. medical

7 vote, the U.S. government's health care reform proposals Obama last week in Congress into being. However, this does not mean that all the controversy surrounding this health care reform, "the dust settles," The response of ordinary Americans can be said to be mixed feelings.

Reporters on how to treat The new medical reform Bill asked about the different backgrounds of Americans around, surprise, everyone's first reaction was hesitation under all that "I do not know the specific content of the Bill." Indeed, after ten months of "bargaining" and repeatedly revised, few people fully understand the final version of the bill.

, However, Health Insurance The individual stakes, so everyone has their own concerns. "The U.S. health care costs is too expensive, must be reformed." Was born in Queens, New York, a common African American families very firmly said Evans.

High Health Insurance Low-income people often make the United States, "stay away", according to statistics, in 2007 the family filed for bankruptcy in the United States, 62.1% of households the primary financial problem is "too high medical expenses." Under the new Act, more than 32 million people without health insurance will have health insurance by the end of 2019, that the United States, health insurance coverage will increase to 95%. In particular, annual income below 15,000 U.S. dollars in low-income people will be included in the government's medical assistance program, and an annual income of 15 thousand to 44 thousand U.S. dollars can be obtained between the government subsidies.

A private non-profit organizations in the work of Solomon, his wife has a son in his early twenties, she was most welcomed the new bill before the age of the children in the 26 parents health insurance are able to link it states: "The credit history is too young short, the right price to buy into health insurance is almost impossible. Many young people simply do not cover, especially when they fall ill, but ill have to face a huge bill, is simply a "disaster". "

Respondents generally appreciated that the current system, insurance companies confidently of "past history" refused insurance or renewal of the applicant, so with Heart disease Or Diabetes Disease, and so people just are not guaranteed that the implementation of the new bill will be corrected.

Teach at a university in Philadelphia, Mr. Lee, the computer age of 10 with her parents immigrated to California from Korea, in his view, all the industrialized countries, the United States is the only country without universal health insurance, which is "is not accepted ", the new medical bill clearly stipulate that every American citizen must be insured is a big step forward.

However, as medical reform greatly increase government expenditure, the annual income of more than 200 thousand U.S. dollars of annual income individuals and families in more than 250,000 U.S. dollars will be imposed for individual income tax rate from the original 1.45% to 2.35% .

Business services sector in a policy opposed by Monte medical reform program, he felt unfair that their hard work will likely face increased medical costs, people who work but can not "something for nothing", so to These people look for new job would be even lower, while the real people to create wealth for more pressure.

Contrast is the medical reform in the employer must be provided for the insured employees and not as worried as before the blow to small business owners in the business initiative. Lee Korean immigrants mentioned above, for example, like many first generation immigrants, his father to the United States by age and language restrictions after giving up professional, opened the original gas station. Medical reform according to the provisions of the enterprise less than 50 employees to purchase health insurance for their employees access to "tax deduction of credit" (taxcredit), means that the burden of government help, that his father was able to hire people with health insurance, should be more easily attractive to applicants.

However, despite different views on specific measures, everyone agreed that the existing U.S. health care system face many problems, "must be reformed." "USA Today" The latest survey shows Americans a new medical reform "good impression" gradually increase the proportion of support and opposition 49% to 40%.

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